Daniel Carrera wrote:
> Les Mikesell wrote:
>> What it needs is to be on when the other PC is available for a backup 
>> and for some time at midnight when it cleans up expired items from the 
>> pool.  When I said you could schedule it with cron I guess I was 
>> thinking you wouldn't be up all night removing and connecting the 
>> external drive so you'd have a long 'on' cycle while you sleep.  But, 
>> that could be a problem if either PC is turned off at night.  The other 
>> thing that hasn't been mentioned is that both the target and server are 
>> fairly busy while the backups run so backups are usually scheduled for 
>> times when people aren't working when possible.
> Thanks. The more I learn about BackupPC the more I realize that it is 
> not what I'm looking for. I think I'm better off rewriting my script to 
> add additional features (exponential backups) than to try to cobble 
> BackupPC into doing something that it was not meant to do.

I think you could make it work, but the advantage you are after 
(compression) isn't that important on a small scale and has a large down 
side especially for a machine backing itself up.  You pretty much need a 
working install to do a restore instead of just copying some files back.

You aren't the first person to do this, so I'd still look for some other 
solutions at least until you can run backuppc on a full-time server. 
Rdiff-backup might work for you and there are some other similar 

If you have large files with small changes over time, rdiff-backup might 
even take less space for the history.

   Les Mikesell

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