I am not a programmer, just a dumb user that thinks the whole thing is
kinda magic.  So perhaps this is a stupid question.  But since
BackupPc somehow knows where all the files are and what is linked to
what etc. why can't there be a button in the CGI interface that
instead of "restore", says something like, "as of the last inc or
whatever, make a perfect copy of what i want over here" and just let
that replicate the pc directories and pool and everything over to the
backup, offsite, or external drive?
P.S. I have been using this software for about 6 months, love it.  But
still have not succeeded in backing IT up without a crash.  Have tried
cp -dpr and also rsync with -H but both bombed out with "too many hard
links" errors.  If I could get this backed up i'd say it was the
perfect backup solution.

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 8:29 PM, Adam Goryachev
<mailingli...@websitemanagers.com.au> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> It seems to me that all this boils down to different people having
> different requirements. Might I (re)-propose the following:
> 1) Keep backuppc/etc exactly as-is
> 2) Extend backuppc-link so that after it links a file to the pool, or
> replaces a file in the pc directory with a link to the pool, then it
> will also add an entry to a DB (use the perl-DBI interface to make it
> generic or similar). Add some code to backuppc_nightly to modify the
> database when it modifies the pool as well.
> Now, if Conf{UseDB} = 0; then that code is skipped, if not, then go
> read a couple of other variables, and write the data to a DB.
> So far, those people who want stuff in a DB get it (with a performance
> cost) and those who don't want it, don't get it.
> Next, write a tool that can read the database + pool, and create the
> hardlinks under the pc directory. (So after you copy the pool, you can
> re-create the hardlinks).
> Thus, for people you want to copy their entire backuppc pool/etc, they
> can do it with a database + overhead, and everyone else can continue
> as-is.
> I'm sure the above doesn't handle 100% of needed cases, but with a
> little effort I'm sure it could be done. Of course, it seems the
> difficulty will be in finding someone with both the "itch" as well as
> the skill to complete the task.
> Regards,
> Adam
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