> > I recently heard about lessfs, which runs on top of FUSE to provide
> > a file system that does block-level de-duplication.  See:
> > 
> >     http://www.lessfs.com
> >     https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=257120
> >     http://tokyocabinet.sourceforge.net/index.html
> > 
> > The actual storage is several very large (sparse?) files on any
> > file system(s) of your choice.  It should provide all the benefits
> > you expect: no issues of local limitations on hardlink counts,
> > meta-data etc, and the database files can be copied or rsynced.
> > I'm corresponding with the author to see if some additional useful
> > features could be added.

Well, we've already got MD4 checksums of file blocks. And if I
understand everything correctly, we DO GET collisions, therefore the
hash chains.

Of course, this if for 256k blocks, IIRC. And "only" 128 bit hashes.
But I don't like the idea of relying on probabilities. I've got enough
uncertainties by flaky hardware, bugs etc.

I won't trust such a file system for backup data.


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