I have an issue with one of my backuppc servers. This server is used to only
backup one server and has been doing flawless since it was installed about a
week ago. Until last night....

I checked it this morning to find the above error in the host summary. I did
some checking and even manually ran the backup with an strace on the process
on the remote server. Every time it would fail. I had a similar issue on my
home backuppc server on a few servers and switching them from rsync to
rsyncd and changing the needed settings did the trick. Not so much with this
one. Here are the last few lines of the log when doing both rsync and

via rsync:

2009-12-02 10:18:04 full backup started for directory /; updating partial #4
2009-12-02 10:25:09 Aborting backup up after signal PIPE
2009-12-02 10:25:10 Got fatal error during xfer (aborted by signal=PIPE)
2009-12-02 10:25:10 Saved partial dump 4

Via rsyncd:

2009-12-02 11:09:00 full backup started for directory main; updating partial
2009-12-02 11:15:01 Aborting backup up after signal PIPE
2009-12-02 11:15:02 Got fatal error during xfer (aborted by signal=PIPE)

I am at a loss. Something is causing the remote end to fail. I did a little
research and found that if doing backup via rsync and ssh it could be a
large file causing it, as in over 2GB. I looked in the directories being
backed up and there are a few files larger than 2GB that are being backed
up. Is there a workaround for this?

Donny B.
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