I would use DumpPreUserCmd to ping the machine and parse its return IP
address to give an exit status that returns true if and only if it is
on the desired subnet. If this only applies to selected hostnames then add
in logic to make sure that the test only applies to those hostnames.

Marcelino Mata wrote at about 19:30:55 -0400 on Thursday, August 12, 2010:
 > Hash: SHA256
 > I have the case where a laptop user with 150GB of data could be on one
 > of two locations which are connected by router.  Our network guys do not
 > want a full backup to run for the user when he's on the opposite end of
 > router to the backuppc computer.  The ping latency between the locations
 > is very short (typically under .5ms) so I can't use ping (PingMaxMsec)
 > as method to avoid this.
 > Is there another way I could configure backuppc so it only backs up the
 > computer when it's on specific subnet?
 > The subnet are as follows:
 > Backuppc computer : 10.2.X.X
 > Opposite location : 10.3.x.x
 > The simplest solution is to restrict backup computers to the backuppc
 > subnet.
 > Maybe create firewall rule on backuppc to block traffic from 10.3.x.x?
 > Running backuppc 3.1.0-9ubuntu1 under Ubuntu 10.04.
 > Marcelino
 > Marcelino Mata
 > Engineering Technology Specialist
 > Multimatic Technical Centre
 > 85 Valleywood Drive
 > Markham, ON
 > Canada
 > L3R 5E5
 > Tel.   +1 905 470 0025
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