On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 11:36:02AM -0400, Carl T. Miller wrote:
> I found what looks like an excellent tool for managing
> backuppc pools.  It allows the deletion of files or
> directories from archives.
> <http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/backuppc/index.php?title=BackupPC_DeleteFile>
> The instructions say to install the jLib.pm module,
> but don't tell how to install it.
> When I run BackupPC_DeleteFile without the module it says:
> Can't locate BackupPC/jLib.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
> /usr/share/BackupPC/lib ..."
> So I copied jLib.pm to /usr/share/BackupPC/lib/BackupPC.
> Now when I runBackupPC_DeleteFile it says:
> syntax error at /usr/local/bin/BackupPC_DeleteFile line
> 1055, near "package BackupPC::jLib"

You need to trim the jLip.pm part out of your copy of
/usr/local/bin/BackupPC_DeleteFile ; that's a line from jlib, not
from BackupPC_DeleteFile


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