martin f krafft wrote at about 09:53:25 +0100 on Thursday, December 9, 2010:
 > also sprach Jeffrey J. Kosowsky <> [2010.11.17.0059 
 > +0100]:
 > > I wrote two programs that might be helpful here:
 > > 1.
 > >    If you use rsync with checksum caching then this program checks the
 > >    (uncompressed) contents of each pool file against the stored md4
 > >    checksum. This should catch any bit errors in the pool. (Note
 > >    though that I seem to recall that the checksum only gets stored the
 > >    second time a file in the pool is backed up so some pool files may
 > >    not have a checksum included - I may be wrong since it's been a
 > >    while...)
 > I did a test run of this tool and it took 12 days to run across the
 > pool. I cannot take the backup machine offline for so long. Is it
 > possible to run this while BackupPC runs in the background?

It can run while backuppc is running though it will obviously miss
some new files added by backuppc after you started running the
program. My routine is non-destructive (it doesn't 'fix' anything) so
it shouldn't conflict.

 > > 2.
 > >    This program scans through both the pool and pc trees to look for
 > >    wrong, duplicate, or missing links. It can fix most errors.
 > And this?
I don't think i understand the question...
(note I posted a slightly updated version on the group last night)
 > How else do you suggest I run it?
Look at the usage info ;)
Or if you trust it to detect and fix it all in one step: -f [> optional output file to capture all the
   detections and status's]

Or to do it sequentially:
   Detect:  > [output file]
   Fix:  -l [output file]

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