On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 03:05:17PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Jeffrey J. Kosowsky <backu...@kosowsky.org> [2010.12.09.1538 
> +0100]:
> >  > I did a test run of this tool and it took 12 days to run across the
> >  > pool. I cannot take the backup machine offline for so long. Is it
> >  > possible to run this while BackupPC runs in the background?
> > 
> > It can run while backuppc is running though it will obviously miss
> > some new files added by backuppc after you started running the
> > program. My routine is non-destructive (it doesn't 'fix' anything) so
> > it shouldn't conflict.
> Oh, so how do I fix the problems it finds (there are plenty it
> reports)?
> > Or if you trust it to detect and fix it all in one step:
> >    BackupPC_fixLinks.pl -f [> optional output file to capture all the
> >    detections and status's]
> Unfortunately, BackupPC_fixlinks.pl needs jLib.pm, which doesn't
> seem to be in Debian's backuppc 3.1.0 :(

That's because it's not part of backuppc; it's at


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