Just reporting back my solution for reference.

Denis Jedig skrev 2011-01-02 00:32:

Unfortunately, saving NTFS metadata with rsync has always been a 
pain in the ass, as the protocol simply was not designed for most 
of it. While symbolic links and junctions would fit in rather 
easily, to my best knowledge they are not implemented.

You could build some cludge using dir /S /AL (which will give you 
symbolic links as well as junctions in the output, but 
unfortunately it will come in a way which is poorly suitable for 
scripting it back into shape. Alternatively, you could write some 
powershell lines using Get-ChildItem, checking for the 
ReparsePoint attribute and using Get-ReparsePoint for retrieving 
the destination. The people from the Windows PowerShell 
newsgroups/lists should be able to help you here.

Thanks Denis for your input!

I ended up writing two small powershell scripts, getLinkInfo.ps1 and restoreLinks.ps1 (sources below)

getLinkInfo.ps1 actually calls "dir /al /s" and therefore the script is dependent of languge (in this case swedish) in the output from "dir". The script takes a directory path as argument and creates two text files, dirs.txt and links.txt. They contain the directory structure, including all subdirectories, and all the links. I let BackupPC backup these files.

I didn't use powershell to get the directory and link info as I reached the end of my knowhow. I bet some one else could this properly.

restoreLinks.ps1 reads these two text files and recreates the directory structure and all the links. It needs admin privileges.

I guess one could run the getLinkInfo.ps1 from BackupPC using DumpPreUserCmd or similar. I haven't tried it though.

It's cludgy as h*ll, but it works. There is no error handling so use this at your own risk. :)

Kind regards

----- getLinkInfo.ps1 -----
$list = cmd /c dir $args[0] /al /s
$newlinklist = ""
$newdirlist = ""
for ($row = 3; $row -le ($list.length-5); $row++) {
  if ($list[$row].split( " ")[1] -like "Inneh*ll") {
    $curdir = $list[$row].substring(22)
    $newdirlist = $newdirlist + $curdir + "`r`n"
  if ($list[$row].split(" ")[6] -like "<symlink>") {
    $curfile = $list[$row].substring(36, $list[$row].indexof("[")-36)
    $curtarget = $list[$row].substring($list[$row].indexof("[")+1, $list[$row].length-$list[$row].indexof("[")-2)   
    $newlinklist = $newlinklist + $curdir + "\" + $curfile + "%" + $curtarget + "`r`n"
$result = new-item links.txt -type file -force -value $newlinklist
$result = new-item dirs.txt -type file -force -value $newdirlist

----- restoreLinks.ps1 -----
$linklist = get-content links.txt -encoding UTF8
$dirlist = get-content dirs.txt -encoding UTF8
for ($row = 0; $row -le ($dirlist.length-1); $row++) {
  md $dirlist[$row].split("%")[0]

for ($row = 0; $row -le ($linklist.length-1); $row++) {
  cmd /c mklink $linklist[$row].split("%")[0] $linklist[$row].split("%")[1]


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