On Wed, Feb 02, 2011 at 05:53:33PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Robin Lee Powell <rlpow...@digitalkingdom.org> [2011.02.02.1720 
> +0100]:
> > >   2011-02-02 15:00:00 Next wakeup is 2011-02-02 16:00:00
> > >   2011-02-02 16:00:00 Next wakeup is 2011-02-02 17:00:00
> > >   2011-02-02 17:00:00 Next wakeup is 2011-02-02 18:00:00
> > >   2011-02-02 17:00:21 Started full backup on seamus.madduck.net 
> > > (pid=22484, share=/)
> > > 
> > > Now the backup of the host started. I am trying to understand why it
> > > wasn't scheduled at 15:00 already. The last full backup age had
> > > already passed FullPeriod by that time.
> > 
> > Check the server log, see if any nightly jobs were running.
> That *is* the server log, accessed through the website. I am not
> aware of any other logs.

There's a log for each client, which you can see by accessing the
client in the GUI (it'll be the top-most "LOG File" link) and a log
for the server as a whole.


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