also sprach martin f krafft <> [2011.02.02.1607 +0100]:
> One of the hosts' last full backup is now 8.2 days old, while it's
> incremental backup is 0.9 days old.
> BackupPC just woke up, but it did not schedule the host, 

A colleague suggests this is because backuppc only schedules a host
once a day (or maybe once per IncrPeriod), because otherwise you
might have a situation where an incremental backup runs and is
immediately followed by a full backup.

Therefore, the logic could be that backuppc wakes up and only acts
on the hosts that have IncrAge expired. Then it looks at FullAge and
runs a full backup only if FullAge is expired.

After hearing this, looking back into the docs was more obvious:

  Minimum period in days between full backups. A full dump will only
  be done if at least this much time has elapsed since the last full
  dump, and at least $Conf{IncrPeriod} days has elapsed since the
  last successful dump.

So problem solved. Thanks Hanspeter.

martin | |
"the college students who are using lsd and marijuana today do not
 comprise a criminal class. they are not drug addicts seeking to
 escape. they're your best educated, your most creative, and your
 most couragious, young people. and like it or not, they might build
 you a new civilisation."               -- porcupine tree, voyage 34

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