On 3/15/2011 3:49 PM, David Herring wrote:
> I'm trying to backup windows servers with approx 3 partitions of 100G
> each over a WAN link. This takes 'days' to run and never successfully
> completes. I'm using rsyncd on the windows machines - and the backup
> is to a ubuntu server.
> So, how do you split the backups from a single machine - do you have
> to create multiple host entries for each machine ? Does this make
> restore too painful ?
> Is there anything else I should be doing ? MTU size ?

You can split the backups by directories.  Just create separate backup
hosts that each backup some of the directories.  Give each host slightly
different names and use the "ClientNameAlias" setting to point them back
to the proper host name.

Keep in mind that this may result in the separate backups running
simultaneously.  To prevent this you can use the "DumpPreUserCmd" and
"DumpPostUserCmd" to set and check for lock files.


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