On 3/15/2011 3:23 PM, David Herring wrote:
> New to this list - not sure if my first post worked - so am resending....
> I'm trying to backup windows servers with approx 3 partitions of 100G
> each over a WAN link. I'm using rsyncd on the windows machines - and the
> backup is to a ubuntu server.
> This takes 'days' to run and never successfully complete - normally I
> have to stop the backuppc  (via /etc/init.d/backuppc stop) and this
> loses the already downloaded data....

If you are running rsync/rsyncd you should get a partial backup when a 
full fails and the next run should use that as the rsync base.  Do you 
have the latest version installed?

> So, how do you split the backups from a single machine - so each can run
> within a reasonable (say 4 hour) timeframe ? Do you have to create
> multiple host entries for each machine ? Does this make restore too
> painful ? Is the whole issue about number of files / rsyncd performance ....

You can make a host entry for each partition (or each rsyncd module, 
which wouldn't have to be partition boundaries), with ClientAlias 
settings pointing to the same actual host.  This will let each be 
scheduled separately.

> Is there anything else I should be doing ? MTU size ?

MTU size might come into play if you are using a VPN that doesn't handle 
it gracefully.  If you use openvpn, enabling lzo compression might help.

Some people work out some other way to get the initial backup (move the 
server to the target LAN or vice versa, copy to an external disk and 
mount in a local machine with a ClientAlias point there for the first 
run, etc.).  After your first full completes the rest should be much faster.

   Les Mikesell

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