Jeffrey J. Kosowsky wrote:

> I think there is a 3rd camp:
>   3. Scripts that understand the special structure of the pool and pc
>   trees and efficiently create lists of all hard links in pc
>   directory.
> a] BackupPC_tarPCCOPY
> Included in standard BackupPC installations. It uses a perl
>  script to recurse through the pc directory, calculate (and
>   cache if you have enough memory) the file name md5sums and
> then uses that to create a tar-formatted file of the hard
>   links that need to be created. This routine has been
>   well-tested at least on smaller systems.
> b] BackupPC_copyPcPool
> Perl script that I recently wrote that should be significantly
> faster than [a], particularly on machines with low memory
> and/or slower cpus. This script creates a new temporary
> inode-number indexed pool to allow direct lookup of links and
> avoid having to calculate and check file name md5sums.  The
> pool is then rsynced (without hard links -- i.e. no -H flag)
> and then the restore script is run to recreate the hard
> links. I recently used this to successfully copy over a pool of
> almost 1 million files and a pc tree of about 10 million files.
> See the recent archives to retrieve a copy.
Hi Jeffrey,

I can't find your BackupPC_copyPcPool. I looking for it on the wiki as well 
as in "backuppc.general".
What/where are this recent archive ?

Thanks in advance
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