On 3/17/2011 1:50 PM, Les Mikesell wrote:
> On 3/17/2011 10:12 AM, Joe Konecny wrote:
>> I'm not claiming I can explain the solution to his problem but this is a 
>> good example of why
>> microsoft is so successful.  MS has MVP's (most valuable professional's) 
>> (and they aren't
>> necessarily on ms's payroll) that hang out in forums and relentless answer 
>> questions that
>> have been asked thousands of times.  With the open source world... you are 
>> usually responded
>> to with "rtfm" or "don't let the door hit your ass on the way out."
> And I always thought it was the free lunch that the commercial sales
> droids would provide while promoting their expensive product that
> explained their popularity over better free versions.

1. That may be part of it.
2. In my experience I have found that quite a few proprietary products
work better than the open source equivalent.  Don't get me wrong... I
love open source and use quite a bit of it.  Firefox, Thunderbird,
Openoffice, Hylafax, Linux, FreeBSD, Samba, Backuppc... the list goes
on...  and all in a corporate setting.  But quite a few of these cause
me problems and headaches compatibility wise that if I wasn't such an
open source zealot I would eagerly move to a closed source program.
3. Better watch the use of the word "droid".  It's trademarked.  ;)

> Was there a real question in either of those posts?

I don't know.  I only caught the tail end responses.  He was apparently looking
for help in his initial setup.

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