On 3/17/2011 7:51 PM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> Joe Konecny wrote:
>> I'm not claiming I can explain the solution to his problem but this is a
>> good example of why
>> microsoft is so successful.  MS has MVP's (most valuable professional's)
>> (and they aren't necessarily on ms's payroll) that hang out in forums and
>> relentless answer questions that
>> have been asked thousands of times.  With the open source world... you are
>> usually responded to with "rtfm" or "don't let the door hit your ass on
>> the way out."
> That's not my experience at all.
> I often find it very hard to get help with simple Windows problems,
> and don't know of any Windows forums (fori?) similar to this one,
> or to the other Linux mailing lists I subscribe to.
> By contrast I nearly always get several helpful suggestions
> in response to any of the many Linux (Fedora) questions I ask.

There are loads of ms forums out there.  Many of them are
very professional.  I've asked four questions here and didn't
receive a response on a single one.  But that won't make me
go away. :)

> Yesterday for example I was looking for a solution to a problem
> on my wife's Windows laptop ("STOP: c000021a {Fatal System Error}"),
> and found innumerable offers of "free" programs that would solve this
> and every problem under the sun for $35.
> In the end I found by running a Fedora Live CD
> that a memory module was faulty
> (the machine's Diagnostic program said it was fine).

Memtest86 perhaps?

> Incidentally, is there a Windows backup program as good as BackupPC?
> The standard Windows backup program has no facility
> to make incremental backups, as far as I can see,
> and also seems inordinately slow.

You're kidding right?  There are so many good windows backup
programs out there.  Yeah you'll have to pay for the best ones.
I honestly cannot remember the name of the last one I used, I've
been using Amanda for a long time.

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