Joe Konecny wrote at about 09:22:05 -0400 on Friday, March 18, 2011:
 > On 3/18/2011 5:00 AM, wrote:
 > > People answering question that have been already been answered
 > > thousands of times are doing nothing but wasting time and bandwidth -
 > > not just their's but everyone else's who participates in that
 > > list/forum.
 > This isn't valid.  With today's pipes bandwidth isn't a concern as
 > far as forums go.  I realize this is a mailing list and not a
 > forum but you can probably read the archives if it bothers you.  One
 > could argue that the more (quality) traffic we have the better.  I stand
 > by my assertion if you want a product to succeed than it is better
 > to relentlessly answer questions.  If I had a product I was trying
 > to sell, I assure you that is what I would do.  We don't want to
 > chase away users.  Then development stops.

As a long term participant and contributor to this mailing list, I
DEFINITELY see and agree that repetitive, off-topic, complaining, or
vague requests significantly detract from this group. When the
signal-to-noise ratio goes down so does the motivation to plow through
all the chafe to find the few good grains of wheat. Indeed, it causes
some of the most helpful contributors to stop even subscribing. After
all, who wants to add dozens or more emails to their Inbox just to
have wade through them like spam.

We encourage good questions, new questions, and all types of positive
contributions. But at the same time we expect users to take the
minimal effort to look through the documentation and archives before
asking the same question for the zillionth time. If users "expect"
good free tech support then at a minimum they should do all they can
to make it easier for the few who answer questions.

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