On 3/18/2011 8:22 AM, Joe Konecny wrote:
> On 3/18/2011 5:00 AM, hans...@gmail.com wrote:
>> People answering question that have been already been answered
>> thousands of times are doing nothing but wasting time and bandwidth -
>> not just their's but everyone else's who participates in that
>> list/forum.
> This isn't valid.  With today's pipes bandwidth isn't a concern as
> far as forums go.

I think the bandwidth in question is human.  There is only so much time 
to read and reply.

 > I realize this is a mailing list and not a
> forum but you can probably read the archives if it bothers you.

Actually, this is also a forum by virtue of backupcentral.com's gateway. 
  And most of the beginner questions originate there, even though it has 
a search facility.  The problem is that forum users only ask questions 
and once their own question has been answered and they have some 
experience, they never return to help with anyone else's problem.

> One
> could argue that the more (quality) traffic we have the better.  I stand
> by my assertion if you want a product to succeed than it is better
> to relentlessly answer questions.  If I had a product I was trying
> to sell, I assure you that is what I would do.  We don't want to
> chase away users.  Then development stops.

But no one is selling a product here. It works, it is simple and 
elegant, it does some things that nothing else does, and if someone asks 
a question that some other user has solved recently it will get an 
answer.  It is pretty much all laid out in the documentation anyway 
although since the configs are perl snippets it helps to know an array 
or hash of arrays when you see them.

   Les Mikesell

Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
for your organization - today and in the future.
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