On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 6:53 AM, Adam Goryachev
<mailingli...@websitemanagers.com.au> wrote:
> I think the answer to most of this might have been:
> apt-get --purge remove backuppc
> This should remove every trace of the package ever having been
> installed. I only mention this because it might come in handy in the
> future for you.
> In addition, you do realise that every distribution of linux can be
> installed with, or without, the graphical user interface (X Windows +
> window manager/etc). In fact, you could even install and setup your
> server with it installed and then un-install it later, or vice-versa....


Thanks so much for your helpful message and especially for your
forbearance and encouragement.

Yes, I do, and I have been playing around over the years with
Fedora/CentOS a bit, but have found the learning curve just a bit less
steep on the Debian-esque distros and therefore built up a bit more
experience there. Since my learning objectives are aimed at BackupPC
for now, I wanted to eliminate as many roadblocks as I could.

The fact that a post-disaster recovery scenario would most likely
involve relatively untrained people was also a factor. If a recovery
server could be provided via a customized BackupPC LiveCD, that would
greatly improve the resilience and time-to-recover of our DR plan, and
(again my perception is) that there is a great variety of
user-friendly tools for building LiveCD "custom distros" in
Debian/Ubuntu than Fedora/CentOS.

All of which I recognize is down-the-road pie-in-the-sky pipe-dreaming
from my current state of knowledge.

On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 12:03 AM, Timothy J Massey <tmas...@obscorp.com> wrote:
> +1.  This was the exact point I was trying to make.
> As an additional point to the original poster:  you said somethng like "OK,
> I'll start over, but with my original config and pool.". NO!!!  Start with a
> 100% clean setup.  Make it work, and document EVERY LITTLE THING you do to

I just meant I'd keep them when wiping the drive. In the case of the
config.pl, for later reference - I'm using diff tools to check against
the original, changing one parameter at a time and then testing.

Re the cpool, initial experiments start empty with it empty testing
against a small test dirstruc, but once I start working again on the
real system drive excludes, "pre-populating" that to save
unnecessarily waiting for 18GB back over the wire.

On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 12:15 AM, Timothy J Massey <tmas...@obscorp.com> wrote:

> So, you understand that each distribution is going to set things up 
> differently, which is very likely to contribute to future problems, yet you 
> decide to voluntarily deal with such problems.  All of this after stating 
> that you do not have sufficient skills to even know when you *might* be 
> running into problems.

I plan on experimenting with my advanced goals only after the actual
backups are working successfully, leaving that setup alone and working
with a separate test system. And I do think I have (or am developing)
the skills to be able to see when things are going wrong. Such testing
is how I like to learn, pushing the envelope of what's possible.

>You want to dangle a hard drive onto a production server, put BackupPC on that 
>server and consider that a backup?  This is wrong on *SO* many levels.  It's 
>the wrong configuration, it's the wrong tool and it's serving a purpose that 
>makes almost no sense.

Sorry if I wasn't more clear. I didn't mean a "production server" in
the sense of adding BackupPC to a server fullfilling another function,
I meant "the production BackupPC server", the one actually doing real
backups, as opposed to my testing environment.

> Why would you create a solution such  that when one system fails, you risk 
> losing both the production data AND THE BACKUP DATA all at the same time.  
> Imagine a power supply failure.  Couldn't it take out both hard drives?  Sure 
> can.  How about a malicious user that runs "rm -rf /".  Gonna wipe out the 
> backup data too.  I can come up with a DOZEN scenarios with zero effort.

I don't understand how you get that, in fact I think the opposite.
That would be true if I were relying on RAID, leaving my multiple
drives in sync with each other, but in fact the three drives in
rotation will each be completely independent instances - here's the
link to my original post asking for feedback on that:


> If a 35% solution works for you, great.  But most people would usually prefer 
> a more useful one.

Of course if I'm given solid details on why my scheme shouldn't work I
won't implement it.

Of if I thought it necessary, we could implement this scheme *in
addition* to a traditional static instance of BackupPC, but at this
point I believe that would only be necessary once sufficient history
won't fit on a single large drive. In which case the offsite rotation
drives would only hold a more recent subset of that stored on the big
RAID array, but it would still likely be many month's worth of full
backups per disk.

>My time is too valuable to put band-aids on people who after being told not to 
>run with scissors (and acknowledge the stupidity of running with scissors), 
>insist on doing it (again).

> Ah, but your backwards of accomplishing this does not encourage at least me 
> to help you in the least.

I'm sorry I don't understand "backwards of accomplishing this". But I
completely understand your desire to conserve your time

Thank you for spending the time you have done so far to give me this
advice and I certainly will take it into consideration.

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