On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 12:41 AM,  <hans...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Re packaging issues, I'm not trying to figure them out at all, AFAIC they're
> a "black box" that just works - I plan to just observe their results and
> stick to their policies (I didn't realize BPC permissions could vary from
> one distro to another).

Thinking of it as a black box only works if you don't plan to make
your own changes.   The disto packagers modify things to fit programs
into the way each distribution works, so don't expect the components
to be in the same places, have the same names, owners, permissions,
etc. between .deb and .rpm packages.  It is up to the packager to make
those decisions and they are fairly arbitrary.

> Re OS choices, I don't have the access, knowledge or desire to do my initial
> learning/experimentation in the production CentOS CLI environment; for many
> aspects it's so much easier to work with a distro like Ubuntu at this
> stage.

That makes no sense at all to me.  CentOS will install and work just
the same as ubuntu unless you have some unusual hardware and if you
want a GUI (which won't matter much for what you are doing) you can
install it.   The only real differences are in the package management
tools and administration style and it doesn't make sense to learn/test
the wrong one.

   Les Mikesell

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