To all

I will do my best to not abuse the real generosity I have seen in the
list every day over the years by doing my best not to post unnecessary
questions or those not relevant to BackupPC.

I will also do the best I can to give back to the project to the
extent I am able to help - certainly more down the road than at the

For example - I have extremely detailed notes on my most recent
step-by-step process - which I'm happy to say is proceeding
successfully with a "matched set" of Ubuntu's Lucid 10.04 (current
LTS) server and its official BackupPC package, rather than mixing the
latest Natty with the older package.

These notes could easily be cleaned up into a "Basic installation of
BackupPC on Ubuntu" howto for Linux beginners, and I would be happy to
post that to the wiki, if TPTB on the list think it would be helpful
to the project.

On the other hand if more people feel like Tim (at least based on my
interpretation of what he wrote), perhaps you'd prefer to only
encourage people already advanced in Linux skills to implement
BackupPC? It's true having more noobs trying it out would increase the
need for support here.

In which case I won't try to encourage new adopters that don't fit that profile.

Here's a snippet of a contribution for future noob googlers - I don't
claim they're original but didn't keep the references in my notes, I
believe they did come from this list:

You can monitor the progress of a backup by opening two console
windows from the server before initiating:

    watching the growth of the pc folder with du:

      - watch -n 10 -d 'sudo du -h --max-depth=4
/var/lib/backuppc/pc/{host_name} |sort -h -r


    watching the files opened by the backuppc process, matching on an
appropriate string

      -  watch -n 5 "lsof -n -u backuppc | egrep 'cygdrive' | awk '{print }'"

The latter assumes your client is windoze with the traditional
cygdrive path setup - using "backuppc" as your search string will give
more general results.

Let's take this opportunity to close that mega-thread, for my
excessive contributions to which I apologize.

Thanks again for your patience.

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