
hans...@gmail.com wrote on 2011-09-05 09:49:35 +0700 [[BackupPC-users] Would a 
noob-oriented HowTo be useful on the wiki?]:
> [...]
> On the other hand if more people feel like Tim (at least based on my
> interpretation of what he wrote), perhaps you'd prefer to only
> encourage people already advanced in Linux skills to implement
> BackupPC?

I believe you totally misunderstood Tim there. My point would be - and I think
his was similar - that if you don't have the required skills (Linux, BackupPC,
whatever may be relevant), you shouldn't ignore the list's recommendations, or
if you do, you shouldn't be surprised to find you are on your own. Jeffrey
explained this quite well. We simply won't be able to keep track of what you
have done, and even if we do, we won't enjoy telling you how to undo mistakes
you would never have made, if you had listened in the first place (besides some
mistakes not being easily undoable). We will regret that user mistakes have a
tendency to reflect badly on BackupPC if we don't resolve them or at least
verbosely explain why BackupPC could not have avoided them.

Actually, you probably *won't* find that you are on your own. Someone will
usually answer. It's just that if that answer is not correct, nobody more
knowledgeable will bother to step in. And that's not just your problem, it's
a problem for every user finding your thread via Google and being mislead by
bogus information.

I believe it is ok for anyone to ask questions about BackupPC here. But there
are some things to keep in mind.

* Not every question is on-topic, just because BackupPC is installed on your
  system. If you don't have basic Unix system administration skills, you
  will have questions that are better asked and answered elsewhere. It may
  not always be easy for you to distinguish whether your issue is BackupPC-
  specific or not, and you might even get away with asking off-topic questions
  here occasionally, but you *will* eventually need some skills that you won't
  learn here. If that's unacceptable for you, then, indeed, you shouldn't be
  running BackupPC.

* A lot of questions - especially basic issues - have been encountered by
  other people before you and have been repeatedly discussed here and
  elsewhere. A lot of questions - especially basic issues - are answered by
  the documentation. If you have a question - especially a basic issue - it
  is a good idea to search for an answer first before posting here. There is
  no point in asking us to read an existing answer to you, because you'll
  have to read our responses, just like you would need to read the original.
  Yes, the wiki needs a lot of work, but the original BackupPC documentation
  is excellent.

* If you ask a question, you should do that in a sensible way. For details,
  see http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Essays/smart-questions.html or a similar
  guide. In fact, the introduction of that essay gives a good answer to your
  above question.

> [...]
> For example - I have extremely detailed notes on my most recent
> step-by-step process - which I'm happy to say is proceeding
> successfully with a "matched set" of Ubuntu's Lucid 10.04 (current
> LTS) server and its official BackupPC package, rather than mixing the
> latest Natty with the older package.
> These notes could easily be cleaned up into a "Basic installation of
> BackupPC on Ubuntu" howto for Linux beginners, and I would be happy to
> post that to the wiki, if TPTB on the list think it would be helpful
> to the project.

I don't think anyone on the list has more votes than anyone else, and there
are no requirements for joining the list.

Contributions to the wiki are always welcome, though I'm not quite sure there
*should be* many steps to installing BackupPC in Ubuntu. For write access to
the wiki, create a SourceForge account and send me a note off-list so I can
add you.

>     watching the files opened by the backuppc process, matching on an
> appropriate string
>       -  watch -n 5 "lsof -n -u backuppc | egrep 'cygdrive' | awk '{print }'"

Err, does "awk '{print}'" do anything meaningful? Does egrepping for
'cygdrive' do anything better than awking for /cygdrive/ would? :)
Will "lsof" show you anything meaningful if you don't run it as root (or

> The latter assumes your client is windoze with the traditional
> cygdrive path setup - using "backuppc" as your search string will give
> more general results.

Would grepping for 'backuppc' *discard* any lines?


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