
egrimisu wrote on 2011-09-06 01:26:54 -0700 [[BackupPC-users]  Getting backuppc 
to wol a client]:
> Hi guys,
> thanks for posting the small guide,

I suppose this is meant to reference the other thread of the same name from
today. Will users of the braindead forum ever learn to press the correct
"reply" button? Will they ever learn that you cannot edit email messages? The
forum certainly won't learn.

> unfortunettly it does not work for me,

Unfortunate for *us*.

> 777 rights just to be sure

This is just plain stupid. If you are *lucky*, this will simply prevent it from
working. There's no substitute for thinking. If there was, sticking a "kick me"
sign on your back wouldn't be it.

I would have simply ignored this thread, but I'm not going to leave this sort
of nonsense around uncommented.

> Am i missing anythig?

Yes. An 'n' for starters ...


P.S.: If you ended up here through a web search and are wondering:
      777 is probably *never* a sensible file mode. If *anyone* can think
      of a *single* legitimate usage, please let me know. Thank you.
      If you don't understand permissions, start with symbolic modes (see
      chmod(1)). They're both more powerful and intuitive. Actually, unless
      you are a computer, you shouldn't be using octal modes. If you
      understand what you are doing, your opinion may vary.

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