On 9/9/2013 1:53 PM, John Rouillard wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 09, 2013 at 12:07:03PM -0400, David Williams wrote:
>> The single file was just a test...I will want to restore a whole
>> bunch of files.  Does the backuppc documentation explain how to set
>> up the ssh key for backuppc to execute as root on the target (which
>> is in fact one and the same machine)?
>               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Then why bother with ssh at all?
> sudo -u backuppc  .../BackupPC_tarCreate -h linuxpc -n 612 \
>    -s /photos -t -r /Pili -p /photos/ /Pili/IMG_0558.JPG | \
>     sudo tar -xvf - --numeric-owner --same-owner C /restores
> should do the trick I would think.
Ok, so what would go into the restore command then?  Would I just 
replace the restore command with the whole line above?  I am thinking 
not as it wouldn't be dynamic since it has the directory names in 
there.  I have no issues of skipping SSH just as long as I know what I 
need to put into the restore command in the config file.  Sorry, as 
mentioned in my original email I don't know that much about Backuppc.

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