On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 1:21 PM, David Williams
<dwilli...@dtw-consulting.com> wrote:
> On 9/9/2013 1:53 PM, John Rouillard wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 09, 2013 at 12:07:03PM -0400, David Williams wrote:
>>> The single file was just a test...I will want to restore a whole
>>> bunch of files.  Does the backuppc documentation explain how to set
>>> up the ssh key for backuppc to execute as root on the target (which
>>> is in fact one and the same machine)?
>>               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> Then why bother with ssh at all?
>> sudo -u backuppc  .../BackupPC_tarCreate -h linuxpc -n 612 \
>>    -s /photos -t -r /Pili -p /photos/ /Pili/IMG_0558.JPG | \
>>     sudo tar -xvf - --numeric-owner --same-owner C /restores
>> should do the trick I would think.
> Ok, so what would go into the restore command then?  Would I just
> replace the restore command with the whole line above?  I am thinking
> not as it wouldn't be dynamic since it has the directory names in
> there.  I have no issues of skipping SSH just as long as I know what I
> need to put into the restore command in the config file.  Sorry, as
> mentioned in my original email I don't know that much about Backuppc.

That's a very different approach.  BackupPC_tarCreate generates a tar
archive on stdout (which the above command pipes to a tar extract to
complete the restore).   This would be a strictly local operation that
doesn't need the backuppc service running at all or any client/server
activity.    The BackupPC_tarCreate command line options are shown in
the documentation, and the extraction is like any other tar archive.

Another option, if you have the intermediate storage space is to
select the top directory you want from the web interface, download
through the browser as a tar archive,  then extract the tar archive as
a separate step.   That would probably require the least knowledge of
backuppc specifics.

    Les Mikesell

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