What version of CentOS are your clients?
I seem to recall this was a problem with RHEL 4, but has not been a problem
on later versions.  I use rsync and do not exclude /var/log/lastlog and do
not have any problems with it.

Tony Schreiner

On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 3:25 PM, Moorcroft, Mark (ARC-TS)[ERC, Inc.] <
mark.moorcr...@nasa.gov> wrote:

> All of my systems are 64 bit CentOS, and all have /var/log/lastlog. With
> various pressure from both the private sector and government demanding
> some kind of log archiving, I thought some kind of FAQ or note could save
> countless man hours for people trying to use BackupPC. I wasted 2 days
> going down various rabbit holes, and I actually knew better. But that was
> so long ago that I forgot about this until the light bulb went on. When I
> searched the BackupPC list archive, I had to go all the way back to 2007
> to find discussion about lastlog. So I suggested some kind of hint to help
> people OR hard coding something. Perhaps I should have written ³||²
> instead of ³or² so you could understand my suggestion. As far as database
> files, for some reason those have not killed rsync the way lastlog seems
> to. Even backing up an LVM snapshot with lastlog present kills rsync.
> Mongo actually recommends backing up it¹s files ³live² from an LVM
> snapshot. Of course they suggest dd/gzip, not rsync. I have not decided on
> the best way to handle mysql with BackupPC yet.
> --
> Mark Moorcroft
> ERC Corp.
> 650-604-4784
> mailto:mark.moorcr...@nasa.gov
> On 10/24/14, 8:18 AM, "Les Mikesell" <lesmikes...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> >You might temper the sarcasm a bit if you also mentioned the
> >alternative which is to have your whole backup fail completely without
> >an obvious reason and/or filling a huge amount of archive space,
> >crowding out stuff that is actually useful.  But yes, appropriate
> >configs are the right solution.
> >
> >> I believe lastlog is only a problem on 64-bit systems, and only until
> >>someone  comes up with a different implementation.
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