Why not dump the SQL data live to a text file and back that up?  That's what 
mysqldump is for... you can back up everything you need to restore an entire 
database without ever taking down the mysql server.  And this makes restores 
much simpler... if a developer drops an table by mistake, you don't have to 
restore the *entire* database back to a previous checkpoint, you can just 
extract the plain-text records needed to recreate that table and its data.

Check the options... the default settings don't capture everything, but with 
the right settings you can capture users, permissions etc.

On 10/30/2014 01:46 PM, Moorcroft, Mark (ARC-TS)[ERC, Inc.] wrote:
>> Mine 'have' /var/log/lastlog.  Just not the problem with TB+ apparent
>> sizes. Do you have a uid of -1  - or very, very large uids?
> Every one of my systems list last log at 505GB with a vanilla ³ls² and all
> are root:root.
>> Maybe that was when everyone else took the -1 uid out...
> ?
>> The straightforward approach is to have script on the host that runs
>> the mysqldump command so you can use a DumpPreUserCmd like:
>> $sshPath -q -x -l root $host /path/to/script.
>> and then back up the dump output instead of the live database.  Or if
>> downtime is OK you can stop the database, then copy its files.
> Thanks, I am now stopping mysql to back up the files. I just restrict the
> backup to the time when I have mysql being stopped. I could use the
> pre/post commands, but I have enough latitude to be confident about
> completion.
> --
>     Les Mikesell
>       lesmikes...@gmail.com

Carl D Cravens (ra...@phoenyx.net)
A bit of tolerance is worth a megabyte of flaming.

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