Il 14/05/2016 22:19, Juergen Harms ha scritto:
> On 05/14/2016 07:36 PM, Mauro Condarelli wrote:
>>> It's not hijacking, it's a fork and there are good reasons for that. Don't 
>>> you think it might be a good idea to change the project name then and just 
>>> leave the original project intact?
> I appreciate the idea to try and contact Craig Barret - that is homework
> to be done in preparation of such a decision. Maybe Mauro is too
> pessimistic about getting a response - Craig has done an admirable job
> in creating BackupPC, why should he not have interest in an initiative
> that tries to keep it alive?
My pessimism spawn from fact he didn't answer to previous messages,
but You may be right (at least I hope You are!)
Most likely previous e-mails simply failed to reach him, which means
he probably does not read the ML or the old mail address.
This is the first stumbling block: which address to use?
I found a couple of references (
and, but no explicit e-mail.

if anyone has (or finds) a reasonably recent address please share.
I can be reached directly at and I am on Freenode/#backuppc,
in case we do not want to spam sensitive data on a public ML.

> I append the draft of a letter that could be sent to Craig. I am not a
> native English speaker - but my main concern is that the letter has a
> chance to avoid the trash bin and that it asks the right questions (and
> I think that the second question should be better formulated).
> Juergen
here is an edited version.
Any further input welcome.


Subject: Initiative to keep BackupPC alive

There exists a large and motivated user community (backuppc-users
mailing list) that is convinced that there exists no alternative
software with the quality and comparable features of BackupPC, and that
feels concern on the future availability of an up-to-date and maintained
BackupPC. Presently there is a discussion on how the necessary activity
can be re-launched by contributions from within that community.

We fully understand Your time is not to be wasted, nonetheless Your input
would be highly appreciated.
First and foremost: if You feel like You want to continue leading the Project,
please step in, otherwise:

1) Would You object to us building on current name and infrastructure
    (I mainly refer to Mailing list, repository and web site)?

2) Apparently You are the only person with write access to SourceForge
    Project; Is there anyone in the currently active contributor list
    You trust enough to hand over write access?

3) Alternatively we are speaking about moving to github, in this case a
    final editing of SourceForge (possibly in Project, Web page and Wiki)
    pointing to the new home would be a valuable endorsement without need
    to give anyone else rights on the old infrastructure.

4) If You wish we can chose a different name to differentiate the new
    product, but we would really like to stress continuity.

5) Technical evolution, either as a continuation of the present project,
    or as a "fork".
    So far, two alternatives have been mentioned:

    a) build on the development version (Backuppc 4.0.0alpha1) you released

    b) continue from the latest stable release (BackupPC 3.3.1)

6) In either case Your technical input would highly valued.
    Is there any chance you have time and resources to continue to develop
    or help with version 4?
    do you have recommendations?

Thanks in Advance

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