I had intentions of trying to pick up the project and start fixing 
bugs/etc, but swiftly reached the end of my C programming experience, 
and then time.

I honestly think it might be near impossible to find anyone to lead the 
project that has all the needed assets:
1) Perl programming
2) C programming
3) Organisation skills
4) Git/CVS/Development skills
5) Time

However, someone with just 3 and 5 could easily be the right person. 
There are a number of people supplying "patches" to the project, and the 
right person only needs to "accept" the patches, push them into Git, and 
release a new "version" from time to time.

I think the best approach is:
1) Send the email to Craig, and expect that no reply will be received. 
If we get a response, great, lets move forward with his suggestions
2) Contact the owner of the backuppc/backuppc project on github and see 
if anyone can get "admin" access to it, if not, create a new one called 
backuppc-new or something similar (but try to show it is still the same 
backuppc, in all honesty, the project is unlikely to make significant 
changes to backuppc (and huge changes are probably not needed anyway)).
3) Try to give admin level access to a number of people that:
a) Have been involved in the project for a reasonable length of time
b) Contribute to support on the mailing list
c) Have expressed an interest in supporting the project in any way
This will allow for people to "drop out" over time, and still keep admin 
access in the future. We don't want to get stuck in this place again, 
with one "admin" and everybody else wondering what to do.

This also allows for "redundancy" of people. If we have 10 people, then 
one of those 10 is probably available to contribute an hour or two out 
of a week, even if it is a different "one" every week (ie, can you spare 
2 hours once every 10 weeks? Most people would probably say yes, but 
probably can't actually commit to that, which is OK).

So, can you (the OP) do 1 and 2 above, give it 2 weeks, and then do 3?

PS, yes, I'd be happy to be one of the many people to contribute, but 
clearly can't manage much, otherwise I would have already done it.


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