Il 16/05/2016 12:21, Juergen Harms ha scritto:

> Things appear to shape up nicely, there are positive replies to many of
> the pending issues. Given the response of Lars - thanks - my biggest
> preoccupation has gone away: contact with Craig would still be nice, but
> is not essential any more, and between Mauro and Lars there are now two
> persons who can actively pursue infrastructure issues - split the load
> and assure "redundancy" - I agree with Adam, that is important.

I would really like to have You on-board, if You feel like.

I know You are not a git-guru, but You would be welcome to do some admin chores,

As it seems we are moving to github I encourage You to register there (if not 

done) and notify Your username to Lars.

Getting a workable email address for Craig is still a priority.

If anyone can help there...

> I agree that a "devel" mailing list is probably needed - but I see the
> need of keeping the members of the "users" list motivated and aware of
> what is going on - that is an issue that contributed to having arrived
> in the present situation. Is IRC an alternative? not my preferred style,
> but I am more than one generation back. I guess both is needed - some
> brainstorming will be necessary, that is better done with IRC.

My current plans are:

1) bring github up to date.

2) have someone (Perl-savvy) to evaluate degree of divergence between v3.x and 
    Can You have a look Juergen?

3) if, as suspected, the code-base is roughly the same branch v3.3.1 using 
    otherwise start a new project (BackupNG ?) as fork of V3.3.1

4) there are several alpha tarballs for v4.0.0, keeping them as a bit of 
history in the
    branch would be nice.

5) request everyone to open "issues" on backuppc/backuppc for:
    a) patches already sent against current code-base.
       this is necessary to consolidate them and avoid losing a lot of good 
    b) bug (or "rough edges") reports against current code-base.
       this is necessary to evaluate the magnitude of involved initial effort.
    c) wishes.
       as we want to move ahead we could as well understand where we want to go.

6) gradually move all available documentation to github wiki.
    current sourceforge wiki si useless and web page is unmaintained.

7) invite everyone to a brainstorming session over IRC at freenode/#backuppc

8) keep global discussions on this list as we want to stress continuity.
    BTW the list is co-owned by cbarrett and "stephen14"
    does he read us, perchance?
    should we try to contact him? ideas?

> Another item where I start being optimistic is sustainability - can the
> activity we are talking about be maintained over a couple of years?
I can only speak for myself, of course, but I'm optimistic.
I can commit (barring major disasters) to follow this in the next years.
My problem is I might "disappear", due to workload, for relatively long 
periods, so it
would be unwise to rely only on myself.
OTOH I see several people willing to help, so I'm confident we can work 
something out.

> Juergen

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