On 03.04.2017 01:25, Adam Goryachev wrote:
> On 03/04/17 06:50, Bob of Donelson Trophy wrote:
>> I have updated to your latest COPR and v4.1.1. Thank you for that.
>> I have been researching signing into the web gui. Even before I 
>> upgraded to v4.1.1 I was having resistance to signing in with the 
>> backuppc user with the htpasswd I have set up.
>> I mentioned in a previous email that the backuppc user appears in the 
>> /etc/BackupPC/apache.users file, as it should. But, When I sign into 
>> the [ipaddress]/BackupPC it gives an "Internal Server Error". If I 
>> modify the /etc/httpd/conf.d/BackupPC.conf file and add "Require all 
>> granted" and comment out the "Require valid-user" I can access the gui 
>> however, I cannot do much of anything. Understandable as BackupPC does 
>> not "know" the user I am accessing it with. When I invert this back to 
>> the correct configuration I am NOT presented with a user login but 
>> rather the "Internal Server Error".
>> What file permissions rights should the /etc/Backup[PC/apache.users 
>> file have?
>>  [root@localhost ~]# ls -alh /etc/BackupPC/
>> total 192K
>> drwxr-x---.  2 backuppc backuppc  112 Apr  1 06:55 .
>> drwxr-xr-x. 80 root     root     8.0K Apr  1 07:42 ..
>> -rw-r--r--.  1 root     root       47 Apr  1 18:14 apache.users
>> -rw-r--r--.  1 backuppc backuppc  83K Mar 31 13:22 config.pl
>> -rw-r--r--.  1 backuppc backuppc  83K Mar 31 13:22 config.pl.sample
>> -rw-r--r--.  1 backuppc backuppc 2.2K Mar 31 13:22 hosts
>> -rw-r--r--.  1 backuppc backuppc 2.2K Mar 31 13:22 hosts.sample
>> -rw-r-----.  1 backuppc backuppc    0 Apr  1 17:53 LOCK
>> Does your /etc/BackupPC/ directory have these rights?
>> I am not sure I am looking in the correct place but, I think I am 
>> dealing with a permissions issue.
>> Thoughts?
> Yes, please look at your apache error log file, it will tell you what 
> the problem is.
> Basically, Apache is saying "I don't like this, and I don't know what 
> else to do, please get the sys admin to fix it". That's if it's a 
> permissions error on any of the related files (.htaccess, the password 
> file, or syntax errors, or options that are not permitted etc.
> It is also possible to get an internal server error if the 
> script/program itself can't run, usually the output of the script (error 
> message) will be recorded in the apache error log, so again, that is 
> where you will find out what the problem is.
> Regards,
> Adam

I had the same problem you had. All I got when browsing to
http://ipadress/BackupPC was a Error 500 - Internal Server Error.
I did the installation from the rpm on a clean install of minimal CentOS 7.

Your permissions in /etc/BackupPC/ look good to me, I have the same
What solved it for me is that I changed the "User" and "Group" in
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf from "apache" to "backuppc" followed by a
"systemctl restart httpd"

After that all worked fine.
I am not sure what would be the correct steps if you use apache on the
same Host for anything else besides BackupPC.


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            • ... Les Mikesell
              • ... Bob of Donelson Trophy
              • ... Tony Schreiner
              • ... Les Mikesell
          • ... Bob of Donelson Trophy
            • ... Richard Shaw
              • ... Bob of Donelson Trophy
              • ... Richard Shaw
              • ... Bob of Donelson Trophy
              • ... Adam Goryachev
              • ... Tim Herren
              • ... Richard Shaw
              • ... Bob of Donelson Trophy
              • ... Adam Goryachev
              • ... Richard Shaw
              • ... Bob of Donelson Trophy
              • ... Bob of Donelson Trophy
              • ... Adam Goryachev
              • ... Richard Shaw
              • ... tbuchanan
  • Re: [Backu... Moorcroft, Mark (ARC-TS)[Analytical Mechanics Associates, INC.]

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