Hello all,

First of all big thanks to all developers of BackupPC, it is really a
very nice and useful backup tool.

I use DumpPreUserCmd (and similar options) to run mysqldump, or make
snapshots of filesystems before backup. I would like to have the output
of these mailed to me instead of being just logged.

I know that there is UserCmdCheckStatus, but that only makes the whole
backup fail, which is not always what I want. If mysql dump fails, I
want the backup to run anyway, and backup at least the rest of the
filesystem, but I want to be notified that something went wrong.

I think of the same behavior as with cron: send mail if there is any
output (stdout or stderr), or if the command fails (exit code != 0).

Is that possible now? If not could this be impemented in future versions?

Best Regards
        Vladislav Kurz

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