Dear Craig, 

> Thanks for the additional info, but I can't explain the behavior your are
> seeing.  Sending to the user-list to see if others have suggestions.
> BackupPC seems to be unable to create directories and files below
> /vol/bpc4/BackupPC.  The "No space left on device" errno seems inconsistent
> with the output of df.

Indeed it sounds crazy. 

I would try to do some kind of roll back to a date before this
trouble. Would it be safe to remove:
- all numbered directories which have been created after the
  first errors,
- the per-host directories "refCnt"
- files: XferLOG.NNN.z, backups, backups.old, LOG.NNNN, LOCK?

After that I would try to restart BackupPC hoping it would set up on
the state before the error. Could that work? 

> Although it won't address any of your problems, I pushed a fix
> <>
> for the error caused by the failure to open a directory.

I am going to set up another Backup server. I will do that with the
newest version available. 

Best regards


> On Sat, Feb 3, 2018 at 3:56 AM, <> wrote:
> > Dear Craig,
> >
> > On Fri, Feb 02, 2018 at 09:19:02AM -0800, Craig Barratt via BackupPC-users
> > wrote:
> > > Here are a few things to check:
> > >
> > >    - can you manually create files and directories below
> > /vol/bpc4/BackupPC
> > >    as the backuppc user (eg, "su backuppc; cd /vol/bpc4/BackupPC; mkdir
> > foo;
> > >    rmdir foo; touch foobar; rm foobar")
> >
> > yes, works as expected.
> >
> > >    - is the file system mounted readonly?
> >
> > no, mount says:
> > ... /vol/bpc4 type ext4 (rw,noatime,data=ordered)
> >
> > >    - has the backuppc user lost permissions?
> >
> > in what sense? All BackupPC processes run as user backuppc; all files
> > and directories /vol/bpc4/BackupPC and below are owned by
> > backuppc:backuppc.
> >
> >
> > df says
> > Filesystem             Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> > /dev/mapper/data-bpc4  1.6T  955G  535G  65% /vol/bpc4
> >
> > The file system lives on a mirror raid, which seems to be ok:
> >
> > md127 : active raid1 sdb1[1] sdc1[0]
> >       2930266432 blocks [2/2] [UU]
> >
> > There are no SMART errors logged on the disks (even after SMART test).
> >
> > I have copied several GB to the file system and removed them again -
> > no errors.
> >
> > I have launched a forced fsck. It succeeded without any errors:
> > Durchgang 1: Inodes, Blöcke und Größen werden geprüft
> > Durchgang 2: Verzeichnisstruktur wird geprüft
> > Durchgang 3: Verzeichnisverknüpfungen werden geprüft
> > Durchgang 4: Referenzzähler werden überprüft
> > Durchgang 5: Zusammengefasste Gruppeninformation wird geprüft
> > /dev/data/bpc4: 104312919/104505344 Dateien (0.0% nicht
> > zusammenhängend), 256909
> > 738/417993728 Blöcke
> >
> >
> > I went through the logs. There are more error messages from a backup
> > which was presented as "running" in the summary. Rather strange sound
> > the messages "IO error encountered" and "No space left on device "
> > (please see below). I cannot figure out the origin of these messages.
> >
> > ...
> > G bpc_fileReadAll: can't open
> > /vol/bpc4/BackupPC/cpool/20/9a/219b13a5a32e6cd66ab3cf139bd8d35c (from
> > alternatives/pg_config)
> > file has vanished: "alternatives/pg_config"
> > ...
> >
> > ...
> > IO error encountered -- skipping file deletion
> > G bpc_attrib_dirRead: can't open
> > /vol/bpc4/BackupPC/cpool/26/24/27243e59e0d4404f14ddc7ebb0202ce6
> > G bpc_attribCache_loadPath:
> > bpc_attrib_dirRead(/vol/bpc4/BackupPC/pc/zuse/169, fetc/fapache2/attrib)
> > returned -1
> > ...
> >
> > ...
> > R bpc_attrib_dirRead: can't open
> > /vol/bpc4/BackupPC/cpool/1e/aa/1eab8cca5e477b6fe2530e955cca3978
> > R bpc_attribCache_loadPath:
> > bpc_attrib_dirRead(/vol/bpc4/BackupPC/pc/zuse/169,
> > fetc/fcups/fssl/attrib) returned -1
> > [ skipped 6 lines ]
> > ...
> >
> >
> > ...
> > R
> > R
> > bpc_sysCall_checkFileMatch(.cpan/build/DateTime-Locale-1.
> > 05-GcMGii/pm_to_blib):
> > file doesn't exist
> > ...
> >
> > ...
> > R bpc_poolWrite_write: can't open/create
> > /vol/bpc4/BackupPC/cpool/18801.736.0 for writingIOdone: pool
> > .cpan/build/DateTime-Locale-1.05-GcMGii/blib/lib/DateTime/
> > Locale/.en_NR.pod.000000
> > ...
> >
> > ...
> > R
> > bpc_poolWrite_unmarkPendingDelete(/vol/bpc4/BackupPC/cpool/50/02/
> > 50032f7b52be451f6a6c396067253906)
> > failed; errno = 2
> > R Couldn't unmark candidate matching file
> > /vol/bpc4/BackupPC/cpool/50/02/50032f7b52be451f6a6c396067253906
> > (skipped; errno = 2)
> > ...
> >
> >
> > The following is very strange:
> > ...
> > rsync_bpc: recv_generator: mkdir
> > "/.cpan/build/Dist-CheckConflicts-0.11-RNgNPa/t/lib" failed: No space
> > left on device (28)
> > ...
> >
> > dumpe2fs says:
> >
> > ...
> > Inode count:              104505344
> > Block count:              417993728
> > Reserved block count:     20899686
> > Free blocks:              243883988
> > Free inodes:              97119479
> > ...
> >
> >
> >
> > Best regards
> >
> >
> > Torsten Finke
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > It does look like the failure to update the filesystem exposes a bug
> > which
> > > I'll fix, but this is secondary to your main issue:
> > >
> > > Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at
> > > /vol/opt/BackupPC-4.1.3/bin/BackupPC_refCountUpdate line 380
> > >
> > >
> > > Craig
> > >
> > > On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 5:56 AM, <> wrote:
> > >
> > > > Dear BackupPC Users,
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > I am running BackupPC-4.1.3 for several months without problems
> > > > (really a great piece of software).
> > > >
> > > > About a week ago a strange type of error occured and keeps staying,
> > > > which I cannot understand. The error messages are like this ("fs" is
> > > > the name of one of my systems to be backed up; I did some linebreaks
> > > > to increase readability):
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > 2018-01-28 23:43:34 Can't create /vol/bpc4/BackupPC/pc/fs/149/refCnt
> > > > 2018-01-29 02:09:34 Serious error: last backup
> > > >   /vol/bpc4/BackupPC/pc/fs/149 directory doesn't exist!!!  Need to
> > > >   remove back to last filled backup
> > > > 2018-01-29 02:09:34 Deleting backup 147
> > > > 2018-01-29 02:09:35 BackupPC_backupDelete: removing #147
> > > > 2018-01-29 02:09:35 BackupPC_backupDelete: No prior backup for merge
> > > > 2018-01-29 02:09:52 BackupPC_refCountUpdate: doing fsck on fs #149
> > > >   since /vol/bpc4/BackupPC/pc/fs/149/refCnt doesn't exist
> > > > 2018-01-29 02:09:52 Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference
> > > >   at /vol/opt/BackupPC-4.1.3/bin/BackupPC_refCountUpdate line 380.
> > > > 2018-01-29 02:09:52 BackupPC_backupDelete: got 1 errors
> > > > 2018-01-29 02:09:52 Finished BackupPC_backupDelete, status = 256
> > > >   (running time: 18 sec)
> > > > 2018-01-29 02:09:52 Deleting backup 148
> > > > 2018-01-29 02:09:52 BackupPC_backupDelete: removing #148
> > > > 2018-01-29 02:09:52 BackupPC_backupDelete: No prior backup for merge
> > > > 2018-01-29 02:09:55 BackupPC_refCountUpdate: doing fsck on fs #149
> > > >   since /vol/bpc4/BackupPC/pc/fs/149/refCnt doesn't exist
> > > > 2018-01-29 02:09:55 Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference
> > > >   at /vol/opt/BackupPC-4.1.3/bin/BackupPC_refCountUpdate line 380.
> > > > 2018-01-29 02:09:55 BackupPC_backupDelete: got 1 errors
> > > > 2018-01-29 02:09:55 Finished BackupPC_backupDelete, status = 256
> > > >   (running time: 3 sec)
> > > > 2018-01-29 02:09:55 Deleting backup 149
> > > > 2018-01-29 02:09:56 BackupPC_backupDelete: removing #149
> > > > 2018-01-29 02:09:56 BackupPC_backupDelete: No prior backup for merge
> > > > 2018-01-29 02:38:20 BackupPC_refCountUpdate: host fs got 0 errors
> > > >   (took 1704 secs)
> > > > 2018-01-29 02:38:20 Finished BackupPC_backupDelete, status = 0
> > > >   (running time: 1705 sec)
> > > > 2018-01-29 03:16:29 dump failed: unable to open/create
> > > >   /vol/bpc4/BackupPC/pc/fs/XferLOG.147.z
> > > > 2018-01-29 03:55:15 dump failed: unable to open/create
> > > >   /vol/bpc4/BackupPC/pc/fs/XferLOG.147.z
> > > > 2018-01-29 04:15:15 dump failed: unable to open/create
> > > >   /vol/bpc4/BackupPC/pc/fs/XferLOG.147.z
> > > > 2018-01-29 23:43:54 dump failed: unable to open/create
> > > >   /vol/bpc4/BackupPC/pc/fs/XferLOG.147.z
> > > > 2018-01-30 01:24:02 dump failed: unable to open/create
> > > >   /vol/bpc4/BackupPC/pc/fs/XferLOG.147.z
> > > > 2018-01-30 02:36:01 dump failed: unable to open/create
> > > >   /vol/bpc4/BackupPC/pc/fs/XferLOG.147.z
> > > > 2018-01-30 03:42:01 dump failed: unable to open/create
> > > >   /vol/bpc4/BackupPC/pc/fs/XferLOG.147.z
> > > > 2018-01-30 04:12:01 dump failed: unable to open/create
> > > >   /vol/bpc4/BackupPC/pc/fs/XferLOG.147.z
> > > > 2018-01-30 23:57:53 Copying backup #146 to #147
> > > >
> > > > 2018-01-31 01:05:38 Can't mkpath
> > > >   /vol/bpc4/BackupPC/pc/fs/147/./fsysbak/f.../fLocked/f00
> > > > 2018-01-31 01:05:38 Can't copy
> > > >   ./fsysbak/f.../fLocked/f00/attrib_dc793dc4650baa1a8cc3b69d211573c1
> > > >   to /vol/bpc4/BackupPC/pc/fs/147/./fsysbak/f.../fLocked/f00/attrib_
> > > > dc793dc4650baa1a8cc3b69d211573c1
> > > > ...
> > > >
> > > > The last pair of messages is then repeated for thousands of files.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > It seems, that there is an error concerning the sequence.
> > > >
> > > > I had checked for several default reasons:
> > > > - No files or directories have been manipulated manually
> > > > - BackupPC is almost the only task running on my backup server (there
> > > >   should be no side effects from other services; no user is normally
> > > >   working on that machine)
> > > > - the file system has about 1.6 TB at a usage of 65% (this rate was
> > > >   never exceeded)
> > > > - the system had no crash (uptime is 217 days, since setup of
> > > >   BackupPC).
> > > > - /vol/bpc4 is a mount point of an ext4 file system (normally very
> > > > reliable)
> > > > - Kernel 4.1.39, OpenSuSE 42.1 - not really outdated
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Any advice to repair this error is highly appretiated.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Best regards
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Torsten Finke
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> >  --
> >  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >  Torsten Finke
> >
> >
> >  Ingenieurgemeinschaft IgH
> >  Gesellschaft für Ingenieurleistungen mbH
> >  Heinz-Bäcker-Str. 34
> >  D-45356 Essen
> >
> >  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------
> > ------------------
> > Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
> > engaging tech sites,!
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> > BackupPC-users mailing list
> >
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> >

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Dr.-Ing. Torsten Finke
Tel.: +49 201 / 36014-17

Ingenieurgemeinschaft IgH
Gesellschaft für Ingenieurleistungen mbH
Heinz-Bäcker-Str. 34
D-45356 Essen

Amtsgericht Essen HRB 11500
USt-Id.-Nr.: DE 174 626 722
- Dr.-Ing. T. Finke, 
- Dr.-Ing. W. Hagemeister
Tel.: +49 201 / 360-14-0

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