On 6/14/2018 3:27 PM, Michael Stowe wrote:
> On 2018-06-14 10:05, Bowie Bailey wrote:
>     I just installed BackupPC v4 on a CentOS 7 server with 4G ram.  I
>     am trying to back up a local 318G filesystem.  I am using rsyncd
>     over the loopback connection.  It has been running for 17 hours so
>     far and has backed up less than half of the directory (based on
>     the size of the backup filesystem).  Running top does not show any
>     excessive cpu or iowait.  “free” shows no swap usage and 1.5G
>     available memory.
> Why are you using rsyncd over the loopback instead of … rsync?

Mainly because that's the way all of my other clients are being backed
up and what I found when I searched for how to back up a local
filesystem said to do it the same way as the others and just point it to
localhost.  I use rsyncd rather than rsync to avoid the ssh overhead.  I
expected a backup done via the loopback interface to be fast since it
doesn't have the normal networking bandwidth limitations.

>     Is it normal for the backup to take this long?
> While that's hard to guess without knowing the particulars of your
> system, I'm going to go out on a limb and say, no. No it is not.
>     Is there a better way to back up a local filesystem?
> Personally, I use rsync (not rsyncd) and in the cases where I have
> experienced slowness, it was due to poorly chosen rsync parameters (I
> note that this would not differ between rsync and rsyncd), a broken
> filesystem, or a specific bug in a specific version of rsync.

How do you go about setting up rsync so that it does a local copy rather
than going through ssh over the network?

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