Hi there

Friday, June 15, 2018, 3:06:30 PM, you wrote:

BB> It finally finished after 24 hours.  That gives about 13G/hour or about
BB> 3.8M/s.

BB> The CPUs were not busy.  That's what I was confused about.  I would have
BB> expected to see a bottleneck at some point, but nothing seemed to be
BB> busy.  The CPUs were all at or below 20% and iowait was close to 0 most
BB> of the time.  I'm not sure how I would determine if the loopback was
BB> saturated.

what file system are you using? I am operating a mailserver on a
dedicated machine. There are some millions of small files on that
machine, so the situation is comparable to yours. When I set up that
machine some years ago, I compared various file systems. Surprisingly,
ext4 came out as winner to handle these small files. I am just using
ext4 on top of the hardware, no lvm on that machine. And of course
having a lot of RAM may also speed up your machine, because the server
can read ahead data. I think it may be a matter of tuning that server
to get better performance.
https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/filesystems/ext4.txt may
give some hints on read ahead tuning.

 best regards
Michael Schumacher

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