Hi Ted,

On 01.08.19 18:31, Ted Toal wrote:
> There is a BackupPC config parameter named RsyncFullArgsExtra, but none named 
> RsyncIncrArgsExtra (to provide extra rsync args for an incremental backup).  
> I’d like to see such a parameter.  My immediate use is that I’d like to 
> restrict rsync bandwidth to different amounts depending on whether it is a 
> full or incremental backup.

assuming that you want to use --bwlimit, can't you just add


in RsyncArgs, and an additional


in RsyncFullArgsExtra? According to my tests, the second will override
the first for the full limits. Slightly unelegant workaround, but effective.

Note that the arguments are appended in the order

  RsyncArgs RsyncFullArgsExtra RsyncArgsExtra

(see lib/BackupPC/Xfer/Rsync.pm, lines 307-334 or so), so you have to
add the "default" (incremental) limit to RsyncArgs, not RsyncArgsExtra.

Apart from that, are you sure that a bandwidth limit actually is what
you're after? The (network) *bandwidth* used for incrementals and fulls
does not differ a lot; it's the *I/O load* on the client that makes the
real difference:

IIUC, no matter what backup type, rsync needs to compare all file paths
and some metadata. For incrementals, by default it compares
  path size modification-time;
for fulls (with --checksum), it skips the latter two and compares
  path checksum

For the computation of the checksums, the client will read each file in
its entirety. That makes for a lot of *I/O bandwidth* on the client. But
regarding the *network bandwidth*: The checksum is an MD5 hash, i.e.,
128 bit = 16 bytes long. Without digging in the source, size and modtime
are probably integers of 4 or 8 bytes each. So my guess is that the
bandwidth difference is *at most* 8 bytes per file, but more likely 0...


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