Hi again,

On 02.08.19 11:50, Alexander Kobel wrote:
> Hi Ted,
> On 01.08.19 18:31, Ted Toal wrote:
>> There is a BackupPC config parameter named RsyncFullArgsExtra, but none 
>> named RsyncIncrArgsExtra (to provide extra rsync args for an incremental 
>> backup).  I’d like to see such a parameter.  My immediate use is that I’d 
>> like to restrict rsync bandwidth to different amounts depending on whether 
>> it is a full or incremental backup.
> [...]
> Apart from that, are you sure that a bandwidth limit actually is what
> you're after? The (network) *bandwidth* used for incrementals and fulls
> does not differ a lot; it's the *I/O load* on the client that makes the
> real difference:

that being said: if you want to use ionice or similar tools to adjust
the I/O load on the client, I suggest that you set RsyncClientPath to a
simple wrapper script that calls rsync via ionice. In this script, just
check whether --checksum is in the argument list; if it is, you're
running a full backup, otherwise an incremental.

Again: before solving the problem, make sure that it actually exists.
;-) I wouldn't be surprised if you end up at the *same* ionice arguments
for fulls and incrementals...


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