Hi I'm hoping someone can help me figure out what I've done and/or where my expectations are wrong.

Bit of background: I've found some old disks that belonged to a BackupPC pool, which contained amongst other things copies of some coding projects I thought I'd lost the source for many years ago. I've copied them into my existing backuppc pool, along with the relevant pc directories and configurations, so I can access them.

I've started restoring some of the file to a directory onto my current machine, using a direct restore. I was expecting to be able to restore the files, rescue what I needed and delete the original 'pc' from BackupPC without having much impact on the pool since all of the files are already in there, so interim backups of my current machine should just create new links to the files I've recovered via BackupPC's restore feature. However, when the next backup of my current machine happened only about 50% of the files were found as 'existing files', the other 50% came out as 'new files' (and now my pool disk is 95% full as nearly 200GB of data that should already be in the pool has been duplicated).

This is where I'm confused: Why would files restored directly from BackupPC and not subsequently touched in any way (not even viewed or moved/renamed) not be found as existing files in the pool? Compression was turned on for both pools (the original and the new one).

Any ideas?



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