No, I don’t have a lot of small files.  As I mentioned, the full backups 
weren’t taking that long before the upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04.  Not sure why an 
OS upgrade would severely increase the time to back up.  The machine, hard 
drives (SSD’s) are all the same.

The version of BackupPC that comes with Ubuntu 20.04 is 3.3.2-3

Dave Williams

On Mar 11, 2021, 10:27 AM -0500, <>, 
Sorin Srbu wrote at about 08:31:35 +0100 on Thursday, March 11, 2021:
On Wed, 2021-03-10 at 14:04 +0000, David Williams wrote:
I have recently upgraded to Ubuntu 20.04 and since then I have noticed that my 
full backups are taking much longer than they used to do. I’m only using 
backuppc to bakup two machines at home. The Ubuntu machine and a Mac laptop. I 
don’t recall exactly how long the full backups were taking previously, but now 
they are taking close to 21 hours. The content on both machines hasn’t changed 
much at all since the upgrade so I was surprised by the increase in time.

A full backup on the Linux machine is around 892MB. This is the local machine 
that Backuppc is installed on. The drive that the backups are stored on is an 
SSD as are most, if not all (sorry can’t remember) of the drives in the Linux 
box. Backup method is tar.

A full backup on the Mac laptop is around 700MB. It’s connected to the same 
router as the Linux machine via ethernet. Backup method is rsync.

I’m not sure how to troubleshoot this increase in timing so any help would be 
much appreciated.

I saw this happening when small files are backed up.

Unless there is a truly pathological number of small files (think tens
if not hundreds of millions), I don't think you can explain a 21 hour
backup period.

My Raspberry PI 4 on a home network backs up my Ubuntu 18.04 with
2.7GB and 321K files in under 12 minutes. And I think that is with
several simultaneous backups.

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