On Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 8:38 AM Michael Stowe
<michael.st...@member.mensa.org> wrote:

> It is worth poking at the contention that "an incremental backup with rsyncd 
> unfortunately takes as long as the full backup."  This probably isn't true, 
> but I can understand how one can believe this after running a single 
> incremental backup with rsyncd.  How does rsyncd know what to copy 
> incrementally?  It skips files that are already copied ... of which, there 
> are none for your first incremental backup.

If the files are mostly tiny, you can see how rsync's action of
exchanging the directory information needed to determine
existing/changed status would be almost as much work as updating the

> If your *second* incremental backup takes almost as long as the full backup, 
> we'll need more details, as your configuration is deviating significantly 
> from expectations.

I think I recall something about the third rsync backup getting a
speedup too, where the block checkums are saved on the 2nd run after a
file has been copied.  Not sure if that still applies to v4.

    Les Mikesell

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