good finding, i was wondering, why are there two sets of graphs too.

Can you send bug report to debian?

From: Paul Fox <p...@foxharp.boston.ma.us>
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2022 3:12 PM
To: General list for user discussion, questions and support 
Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] extra Pool Size charts in Status screen

I wrote:
 > After upgrading from V3 to V4 (via a system upgrade from Ubuntu 20 to
 > 22) my server status screen now has two copies of the 4 and 52 week
 > pool size charts.  (i.e, 4 charts total.)
 > The first images (which are log/poolUsage{4,52}.png) are generated
 > from log/poolUsage.rrd.  (I think so -- at least, all three have
 > identical modtimes).
 > The second set of images are generated (in GeneralInfo.pm) from
 > log/pool.rrd, which in my case is several days old, from before my
 > upgrade to V4.  My suspicion is that this is a stale file, but I also
 > see that there's also code in GeneralInfo.pm to create log/pool.rrd,
 > prior to using it to create the images.
 > So, what's going on?

With further investigation:

It seems that the second pair of graphs are generated by code in
GeneralInfo.pm which is added by the Debian package patches.  In
particular, 01-debian.patch and 06-fix-rrd-graph-permissions.patch.

Unless I'm mistaken, it seems that backuppc V3 didn't provide pool
graphs at all.  The graphs I've been seeing for the last couple of
decades have been created by code added by the Debian packager.

That's great (I like the charts), but now that backuppc V4 is creating
its own pool graphs, perhaps the Debian patches which do so should go

BTW, the code in GeneralInfo.pm (courtesy the debian patches 1 and 6)
generates the graphs on the fly using the date in log/pool.rrd.  I
haven't figured out how pool.rrd ever got updated with pool data in
the first place.  It seems likely that that code is gone already,
because having renamed the pool.rrd a couple of days ago, it hasn't
been recreated.

paul fox, p...@foxharp.boston.ma.us (arlington, ma, where it's 45.1 degrees)

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