That is very helpful. Thank you
I’ll provide an update on what I find.


On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 9:30 AM Tim Herren via BackupPC-users <> wrote:

> Hi
> We noticed the log message about missing pool files appear in the log
> mostly if there was an improper shutdown of the BackupPC Server while a
> backup was in progress.
> We developed the following script to get the affected host and backup
> number for each reported missing pool file. The only remedy we found to
> get rid of the error is to delete the affected backups. Please let me
> know if you find any other remedy.
> The way it works is that it extracts the hash of the missing pool file,
> subtracts one from the first two letters of the hex value to find the
> correct subfolder in the pool and then correlates that with a backup and
> a host.
> In the following script I think most paths are the default for a rpm
> based BackupPC installation but adapt the paths to the installation on
> your system. In particular
> - the path to the BackupPC log file
> - the path to your pool
> #!/bin/bash
> #
> # Script for investigation of missing pool files
> #
> LOG_FILE_NAME="/home/backuppc/find_missing_pool_files_$(date
> +%Y%m%d-%H:%m).log"
> echo Search for missing pool files started. Logs will be written to
> MISSING_POOL_FILES_HASHES=$(grep 'missing pool' /var/log/BackupPC/LOG |
> cut -d' ' -f10)
> for full_hex in $MISSING_POOL_FILES_HASHES; do
>      hex_val=${full_hex:0:2}
>      hex_val_decr=$(printf "%X" $((0x$hex_val - 1)) | awk '{print
> tolower($0)}')
>      paths="/srv/backuppc/pc/*/*/refCnt/poolCnt.1.$hex_val_decr"
>      echo "$hex_val - 1 = $hex_val_decr"
>      for path in $paths; do
>          echo "$path"
>          if test -f "$path"; then
>              echo one found
> pool_cnt_print=$(/usr/share/BackupPC/bin/BackupPC_poolCntPrint "$path")
>              pool_cnt_match=$(echo "$pool_cnt_print" | grep "$full_hex")
>              if [ -n "$pool_cnt_match" ]; then
>                  host=$(echo "$path" | cut -d'/' -f5)
>                  backup_number=$(echo "$path" | cut -d'/' -f6)
>                  echo Found "$full_hex" in Backup Nr. "$backup_number"
> of host "$host" | tee -a "$LOG_FILE_NAME"
>                  /usr/share/BackupPC/bin/BackupPC_ls -R -h "$host" -n
> "$backup_number" -s / / | grep -E "$full_hex"
>              fi
>          fi
>      done
> done
> --
> Tim Herren
> System Engineer
> On 12/11/23 05:34, Samual Flossie wrote:
> > Thanks for looking deeper. I agree that these missing pool file
> > warnings are ominous news for recovery.  The link you referenced (
> >
> > indicates to me also that in v4, the missing pool file message is not
> > benign.
> >
> > It will take me at least a few days to run a full recovery analysis to
> > see if there are file recovery issues.
> >
> > Do you know how to get the file/backup#/host from a pool file
> > reference that was reported missing in the log? That detail would
> > certainly help speed up my analysis and potential recovery.
> >
> > I’ll update once that’s done and have some actionable data.
> >
> > Sam
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