On Tue, Aug 20, 2024 at 07:41:31PM +0200, Ghislain Adnet wrote:
> so what i get from this is that when there a corruption for a random reason 
> backuppc will see it but will not do anything to correct it or backup it ever 
> again even if it exist on the source client.

Always test your backups. Bonus points if it is by independent means.

The backup software itself might have systematic errors it
doesn't see. The hardware might be playing games on the

Whatever can happen will happen some day.

Harrowing story from Back Then (TM): a medium-sized bookshop in
our town did their backups on DLT. Some person at the shop always
took the tape home. Tapes were rotated. They religiously followed
that beautiful process for years.

Until some day, a fire broke out. It was fairly mild, but the
computer was unusable.

It was then when they realized that the DLT drive itself, where
the backups were being taken had a mechanical defect and was
*physically* slitting the tape lengthwise in two halves.

Data recovery was very manual.

You can't make this up.


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