Am 12.07.2005 schrieb Frédéric PIERROT:
> Hi,
> >Hello,
> >
> > There is a demonstration in Strasbourg tomorrow.
> > I"ll be there.
> >
> > Ludovic.
> >
> >
> ><>
> >
> > Kern Sibbald a écrit :
> >
> > >Hello,
> > >
> > >After having skimmed over the "Corrdinating Delivery of a Gift" patent
> > >recently issued to Jeff Bezos of Amazon, I take back what I said about
> > >patents affecting Bacula.
> > >
> > >If the US patent office allows patents of crap like that, we are all in 
> >*deep*
> > >trouble.
> > >
> > >We can only hope that the European Union does not follow the US"s lead.
> > >However given the huge amount of money involved who knows.
> The European Parliament voted 648 to 14 to reject the Computer Implemented 
> Inventions Directive. :-)

Yeah. Thats really great. But I have another bad news:

The EPO (European patent office) has already allowed "computer based
inventions" - only 30000 patents were already registered.

Maybe the law is another one. The real power has the EPO. Sorry, but
that is reality.

5th paragraph:
  [...] Die Grundlinien des internationalen Vertrags sehen vor, dass auf
  Software "als solche" keine Monopolansprüche gewährt werden dürfen. Das
  EPA hat diese Regel sehr offen interpretiert und bereits geschätzte
  30.000 Patente auf "computerimplementierte Erfindungen" erteilt. [...]

I try to translate it:
  The basic rules of the international contract dont allow to get
  patents for only(!) software.
  But the EPO interpreted this rule very wide and gave already 30000
  patents for "computer implemented inventions" out.

Hope you understand it. The fight is not over yet. And it wont.

Nice day folks,

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