
I started seeing these errors in Bacula-1.36.3.  I upgraded to
Bacula-1.37.29 and I'm still getting these sql_create.c errors for
blank filename.  These sql_create.c error messages also occurs on
another Linux client fd, but that client backup succeeded because it
did not disconnect from MySQL.  What is the problem?

Also I've upgraded to MySQL-4.1.12-max from MySQL-3.23.58-fc2 at the
beginning of the week.  This looks like a Bacula problem though.

Pointers? Thanks.


# List of files to be backed up
FileSet {
  Name = "Full Set"
  Include {
    Options {
      signature = MD5
      compression = GZIP6
      verify = pins5
      #aclsupport = yes
      sparse = yes
      wildfile = \.journal
      wildfile = \.fsck
      wildfile = \.cfs_unlink
      exclude = yes
#  Put your list of files here, preceded by 'File =', one per line
#    or include an external list with:
#    File = <file-name

  Exclude {
    File = /proc
    File = /tmp
    File = /.journal
    File = /.fsck

/etc/bacula/backup-cluster.list follows:
File = /cluster
File = /cvsroot
File = /etc
File = /home
File = /misc/installs
File = /root
File = /usr/local
File = /var/www
File = /mnt/web

15-Jul 01:05 cluster-dir: Start Backup JobId 479,
15-Jul 01:05 cluster-sd: Volume "Cluster.2005-05-07_01.05.00-Inc" previously
written, moving to end of data.
node1-fd:      File system change prohibited. Will not descend into
node1-fd:      File system change prohibited. Will not descend into
15-Jul 01:05 cluster-dir: Cluster.2005-07-15_01.05.00 Warning:
sql_create.c:830 More
than one Filename! 2 for file: 
15-Jul 01:05 cluster-dir: Cluster.2005-07-15_01.05.00 Warning:
sql_create.c:830 More
than one Filename! 2 for file: 
15-Jul 01:05 cluster-dir: Cluster.2005-07-15_01.05.00 Warning:
sql_create.c:830 More
than one Filename! 2 for file: 
15-Jul 01:05 cluster-dir: Cluster.2005-07-15_01.05.00 Warning:
sql_create.c:830 More
than one Filename! 2 for file: 
15-Jul 01:05 cluster-dir: Cluster.2005-07-15_01.05.00 Warning:
sql_create.c:830 More
than one Filename! 2 for file: 
15-Jul 01:05 cluster-dir: Cluster.2005-07-15_01.05.00 Warning:
sql_create.c:830 More
than one Filename! 2 for file: 
15-Jul 01:06 cluster-dir: Cluster.2005-07-15_01.05.00 Warning:
sql_create.c:830 More
than one Filename! 2 for file: 
15-Jul 01:06 cluster-dir: Cluster.2005-07-15_01.05.00 Warning:
sql_create.c:830 More
than one Filename! 2 for file: 
15-Jul 01:06 cluster-dir: Cluster.2005-07-15_01.05.00 Warning:
sql_create.c:830 More
than one Filename! 2 for file: 
node1-fd:      File system change prohibited. Will not descend into
15-Jul 01:06 cluster-dir: Cluster.2005-07-15_01.05.00 Warning:
sql_create.c:830 More
than one Filename! 2 for file: 
15-Jul 01:06 cluster-dir: Cluster.2005-07-15_01.05.00 Warning:
sql_create.c:830 More
than one Filename! 2 for file: 
15-Jul 01:06 cluster-dir: Cluster.2005-07-15_01.05.00 Warning:
sql_create.c:830 More
than one Filename! 2 for file: 
15-Jul 01:10 cluster-dir: Cluster.2005-07-15_01.05.00 Warning:
sql_create.c:830 More
than one Filename! 2 for file: 
15-Jul 01:10 cluster-dir: Cluster.2005-07-15_01.05.00 Warning:
sql_create.c:830 More
than one Filename! 2 for file: 
15-Jul 01:10 cluster-dir: Cluster.2005-07-15_01.05.00 Warning:
sql_create.c:830 More
than one Filename! 2 for file: 
15-Jul 01:11 cluster-dir: Cluster.2005-07-15_01.05.00 Fatal error:
sql_create.c:825 query SELECT FilenameId FROM Filename WHERE Name='' failed:
Lost connection to MySQL server during query
15-Jul 01:11 cluster-dir: Cluster.2005-07-15_01.05.00 Warning:
sql_create.c:830 More
than one Filename! 3 for file: 
15-Jul 01:11 cluster-dir: Cluster.2005-07-15_01.05.00 Warning:
sql_create.c:830 More
than one Filename! 3 for file: 
15-Jul 01:11 cluster-dir: Cluster.2005-07-15_01.05.00 Error: Bacula 1.37.29
(13Jul05): 15-Jul-2005 01:11:14
  JobId:                  479
  Job:                    Cluster.2005-07-15_01.05.00
  Backup Level:           Incremental, since=2005-07-14 01:05:02
  Client:                 "cluster-fd" i686-pc-linux-gnu,redhat,(Tettnang)
  FileSet:                "Full Set" 2005-04-25 23:01:48
  Pool:                   "Inc-Pool"
  Storage:                "CVIP"
  Scheduled time:         15-Jul-2005 01:05:00
  Start time:             15-Jul-2005 01:05:01
  End time:               15-Jul-2005 01:11:14
  Priority:               9
  FD Files Written:       16,247
  SD Files Written:       16,247
  FD Bytes Written:       190,405,704
  SD Bytes Written:       172,578,570
  Rate:                   510.5 KB/s
  Software Compression:   77.4 %
  Volume name(s):         Cluster.2005-05-07_01.05.00-Inc
  Volume Session Id:      1
  Volume Session Time:    1121339996
  Last Volume Bytes:      306,968,538
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            *** Backup Error ***

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