On Mon, 25 Jul 2005, Kern Sibbald wrote:

What kind of output/debugging do you need to analyse and detect virgin
blank tapes?

I don't know of any way to detect blank media. If you know how, using standard Unix system calls, please fill me in. In fact, there is generally, no universal Unix means of detecting that no medium is in the drive -- some OSes will tell you, but they are OS specific ioctl(), which I have now started adding to Bacula.

I'm not 100% sure what the problem is. I see your output, but I don't understand the problem. Normally if you put up a blank tape and you want to label it, you will get an error message, and Bacula will go ahead and label it.

It didn't - and autolabel is on

I'm now getting a series of mail messages asking me to insert ALOW0041 into tape drive 0, when it's already there:

Data Transfer Element 0:Full (Storage Element 3 Loaded):VolumeTag = ALOW0041
Data Transfer Element 1:Empty

As I said, writing a EOF at the start of the tape cures this problem and bacula will then happily label the tape.

Are you telling me that in some cases it doesn't work that way?


By the way, normally when it is not possible to rewind a drive, it is because
there is no tape mounted.  I don't understand why there would be an error
trying to rewind a drive containing a blank tape.  If that is the case, then
I think your OS is broken.

It's Linux, (Suse SLES-8), using 2.4.21-169-smp

Before labeling a tape, Bacula does:
- rewind
- read

If the rewind gets an error, Bacula assumes that something important is wrong
and probably gives up or tries another tape if one is available.

If the read fails, Bacula prints the error message and assumes it is a blank
tape, rewinds it, writes the label, re-reads it, then rewinds again.

My reading on the above errors you are seeing:
In the above case, I suspect that you have an autochanger configuration error.
Either you are not waiting long enough after issuing the mtx load command, or
you are not using one of the wait loops that are in the mtx-changer script.
As a consequence, the mtx-changer script returns to Bacula *before* the tape
is loaded and read, Bacula rewinds the drive, and gets an error.

The pause is long enough for cases where the virgin tape has a EOF written to it or where the tape is labelled. I don't believe that's the problem.

(Bacula 1.36.3)

the same error recurs AFTER the tape has been loaded:

*stat dir
  6381 Increme  Low-churn-peace2.2005-07-23_01.16.02 is waiting for a mount 

*stat storage=MSL6000-0

Connecting to Storage daemon MSL6000-0 at msslas:9103

msslas-sd Version: 1.36.3 (22 April 2005) i686-pc-linux-gnu suse 8.1
Daemon started 27-May-05 11:04, 771 Jobs run since started.

Running Jobs:
Incremental Backup job Low-churn-peace2 JobId=6381 Volume="ALOW0041" device="/dev/nst0"
    Files=34,009 Bytes=108,343,509,235 Bytes/sec=479,474
    FDReadSeqNo=3,541,649 in_msg=3460041 out_msg=3539 fd=7


Device status:
Archive "FileStorage" is not open or does not exist.
Archive "FileStorage2" is not open or does not exist.
Device "/dev/nst0" open but no Bacula volume is mounted.
    Device is BLOCKED waiting for appendable media.
    Total Bytes Read=0 Blocks Read=0 Bytes/block=0
    Positioned at File=0 Block=0
Device "/dev/nst1" open but no Bacula volume is mounted.
    Total Bytes Read=0 Blocks Read=0 Bytes/block=0
    Positioned at File=0 Block=0
Data spooling: 1 active jobs, 8,464,729,317 bytes; 742 total jobs, 50,000,033,440 max bytes/job. Attr spooling: 1 active jobs, 0 bytes; 742 total jobs, 1,130,787,541 max bytes.

* mount MSL6000-0
3001 OK mount. Device=/dev/nst0

* stat storage=MSL6000-0


Device status:
Archive "FileStorage" is not open or does not exist.
Archive "FileStorage2" is not open or does not exist.
Device "/dev/nst0" open but no Bacula volume is mounted.
    Device is being initialized.
    Total Bytes Read=0 Blocks Read=0 Bytes/block=0
    Positioned at File=0 Block=0
Device "/dev/nst1" open but no Bacula volume is mounted.
    Total Bytes Read=0 Blocks Read=0 Bytes/block=0
    Positioned at File=0 Block=0
Data spooling: 1 active jobs, 8,464,729,317 bytes; 742 total jobs, 50,000,033,440 max bytes/job.
Attr spooling: 1 active jobs, 0 bytes; 742 total jobs, 1,130,787,541 max bytes.

At this point the tape is loaded in the drive and has been for 48 hours.

About 5 minuts later:

You have messages.


25-Jul 16:29 msslas-sd: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded drive 0" command.
25-Jul 16:29 msslas-sd: 3302 Autochanger "loaded drive 0", result is Slot 3.

Meantiem at this point in a bash shell:

# tapeinfo -f /dev/sg25

Product Type: Tape Drive
Vendor ID: 'HP      '
Product ID: 'Ultrium 2-SCSI  '
Revision: 'F38W'
Attached Changer: No
SerialNumber: 'HUL3G04548'
Ready: yes
BufferedMode: yes
Medium Type: Not Loaded
Density Code: 0x42
BlockSize: 0
DataCompEnabled: yes
DataCompCapable: yes
DataDeCompEnabled: yes
CompType: 0x1
DeCompType: 0x1
BOP: yes
Block Position: 0

( vs the empty drive

# tapeinfo -f /dev/sg26 | less
Product Type: Tape Drive
Vendor ID: 'HP      '
Product ID: 'Ultrium 2-SCSI  '
Revision: 'F43W'
Attached Changer: No
SerialNumber: 'HUL3H00344'
Ready: no

And a few seconds later:

You have messages.
25-Jul 16:34 msslas-sd: Low-churn-peace2.2005-07-23_01.16.02 Warning: Couldn't rewind device /dev/nst0 ERR=dev.c:406 Rewind error on /dev/nst0. ERR=Input/output error.

25-Jul 16:34 msslas-sd: Please mount Volume "ALOW0041" on Storage Device "MSL6000-0" for Job Low-churn-peace2.2005-07-23_01.16.02

To my mind, this _proves_ it can't be the MTX timer, as mtx wasn't called to change tapes, only for its status report, as well as the point that there were several minutes between each set of messages.

What ideas do you have from this point.?


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