After about 10 minutes, the tape was rewound and labelled.

Either you are not waiting long enough after issuing the mtx load command, or you are not using one of the wait loops that are in the mtx-changer script. As a consequence, the mtx-changer script returns to Bacula *before* the tape is loaded and read, Bacula rewinds the drive, and gets an error.

The script default is 15 seconds.

Clearly this is long enough if the tape has something on the start, but not long enough if it's blank.

I have changed this to 30 (this is the usual sleep I use when scripting the weof across 60 virgin tapes - it's this that I was trying to get around)

I also looked at the wait_for_tape loop.

IMO checking the drive every second is excessive. I've changed it to check every 10 seconds for 3 minutes.

The pause is long enough for cases where the virgin tape has a EOF written to it or where the tape is labelled. I don't believe that's the problem.

But as it turned out, not long enough for a virgin tape.

There muct be some difference ion the handling and loading of blank vs erased tapes on LTO2 drives.

Can anyone else duplicate this?

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