---------- quoting Alan Brown ----------
> > SLR100" SCSI tape drive, which is capable of storing 50GB or 100GB
> > (compressed) onto SLR tapes.
> Note that 100Gb is compressed and the raw capacity is 50Gb.

I know, that was what I wanted to say...

> > Now I have a bunch of newly bought SLR tapes, but there I get an "out
> > of space" error, it seems those new tapes can't save compressed data
> > (= more than 50GB).
> What did you expect? Assuming you have already compressed the data (or
> it is non-compressable data files), all hardware compression on the tape
> is likely to achieve is a slight increase in the total data volume.

The thing is that I have an "old" tape (wich should have the same 
capabilities as those new ones), and with this it's no problem to backup 
my data. So it seems the problem is not the data itself, but the new 

But since these new tapes *should* be able to save the same amount of data 
as the "old" one (= 50GB uncompressed and 100GB compressed), I do not 
understand why this "out of space" error only occurs with the new tapes.

Do you know what I mean?

Homer: Boy, you don't have to follow in my footsteps.

Bart: Don't worry, I don't even like using the bathroom after you.

Homer: Why you little -- !

     Like Father Like Clown

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