Hi everybody,


I got 2 problems with my bacula configuration :


I got 41,xxx,xxx kbytes of data to backup (got this number with estimate 
command in bacula console), but when a full backup has finished It take 2 tapes 
with 38,xxx,xxx kbytes on one tape and 22,xxx,xxx in the other. I precise that 
during the backup, when the first tape is full, i receive an error message of 
bacula that say  « 09-Nov 06:40 zeus-sd: Job NightlySave.2005-11-08_23.00.00 
waiting. Cannot find any appendable volumes. », so i make a end_of_backup.sh 
then I insert the second tape and make a mount in bacula console, and the 
backup goes on and continue at the end i got this : 

08-Nov 23:00 zeus-dir: Start Backup JobId 141, Job=NightlySave.2005-11-

08-Nov 23:00 zeus-sd: Volume "mardi" previously written, moving to end of data.

08-Nov 23:01 zeus-sd: Ready to append to end of Volume "mardi" at file=35.

08-Nov 23:37 zeus-sd: End of Volume "mardi" at 37:9075 on device /dev/tape. 
Write of 64512 bytes got -1.

08-Nov 23:39 zeus-sd: Re-read of last block succeeded.

08-Nov 23:39 zeus-sd: End of medium on Volume "mardi" Bytes=36,463,486,387 
Blocks=565,221 at 08-Nov-2005 23:39.

08-Nov 23:40 zeus-dir: Pruned 2 Jobs on Volume "mardi" from catalog.

08-Nov 23:40 zeus-sd: Job NightlySave.2005-11-08_23.00.00 waiting. Cannot find 
any appendable volumes.

Please use the "label"  command to create a new Volume for:

    Storage:      tape

    Media type:   tape

    Pool:         TuesdayPool

09-Nov 00:40 zeus-sd: Job NightlySave.2005-11-08_23.00.00 waiting. Cannot find 
any appendable volumes.

Please use the "label"  command to create a new Volume for:

    Storage:      tape

    Media type:   tape

    Pool:         TuesdayPool

09-Nov 02:40 zeus-sd: Job NightlySave.2005-11-08_23.00.00 waiting. Cannot find 
any appendable volumes.

Please use the "label"  command to create a new Volume for:

    Storage:      tape

    Media type:   tape

    Pool:         TuesdayPool

09-Nov 06:40 zeus-sd: Job NightlySave.2005-11-08_23.00.00 waiting. Cannot find 
any appendable volumes.

Please use the "label"  command to create a new Volume for:

    Storage:      tape

    Media type:   tape

    Pool:         TuesdayPool

09-Nov 11:13 zeus-sd: Someone woke me up, but I cannot find any appendable 
volumes for Job=NightlySave.2005-11-08_23.00.00.

09-Nov 11:13 zeus-sd: Job NightlySave.2005-11-08_23.00.00 waiting. Cannot find 
any appendable volumes.

Please use the "label"  command to create a new Volume for:

    Storage:      tape

    Media type:   tape

    Pool:         TuesdayPool

09-Nov 11:18 zeus-sd: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume "mardi-2" on 
device "/dev/tape"

09-Nov 11:18 zeus-sd: New volume "mardi-2" mounted on device /dev/tape at 09-
Nov-2005 11:18.

09-Nov 15:52 zeus-dir: Bacula 1.36.2 (28Feb05): 09-Nov-2005 15:52:31

  JobId:                  141

  Job:                    NightlySave.2005-11-08_23.00.00

  Backup Level:           Full

  Client:                 zeus-fd

  FileSet:                "Full Set" 2005-07-19 23:00:02

  Pool:                   "TuesdayPool"

  Storage:                "tape"

  Start time:             08-Nov-2005 23:00:02

  End time:               09-Nov-2005 15:52:31

  FD Files Written:       147,951

  SD Files Written:       147,951

  FD Bytes Written:       28,485,097,692

  SD Bytes Written:       28,512,925,826

  Rate:                   468.9 KB/s

  Software Compression:   31.6 %

  Volume name(s):         mardi-2|mardi

  Volume Session Id:      15

  Volume Session Time:    1129909905

  Last Volume Bytes:      25,963,120,632

  Non-fatal FD errors:    0

  SD Errors:              0

  FD termination status:  OK

  SD termination status:  OK

  Termination:            Backup OK


09-Nov 15:52 zeus-dir: Begin pruning Jobs.

09-Nov 15:52 zeus-dir: No Jobs found to prune.

09-Nov 15:52 zeus-dir: Begin pruning Files.

09-Nov 15:55 zeus-dir: Pruned 147,135 Files from 9 Jobs for client zeus-fd from 

09-Nov 15:55 zeus-dir: End auto prune.


My First question is : Why 2 tapes for 41 Go (without compression) !? My tapes 
are DLT IV 40/80 Gb…


Sometimes, if i don’t insert the second tape of a backup at time, Bacula put 
the missing tapes in error, so i have to delete volume, make a mt –t /dev/tape 
rewind && mt –t /dev/tape weof and label agin this tape and insert in the pool… 
why ? why Bacula puts it in error ? 

Thanks for your help !

Here my list media
*list media
Pool: MondayPool
| MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus | VolBytes       | VolFiles | VolRetention | 
Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten         |
|      41 | lundi      | Full      | 36,470,203,213 |       37 |      518,400 
|       1 |    0 |         1 | tape      | 2005-11-07 23:38:52 |
|      45 | lundi-2    | Append    | 25,872,413,819 |       27 |      518,400 
|       1 |    0 |         0 | tape      | 2005-11-08 14:03:06 |
Pool: TuesdayPool
| MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus | VolBytes       | VolFiles | VolRetention | 
Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten         |
|      42 | mardi      | Full      | 36,463,486,387 |       37 |      518,400 
|       1 |    0 |         1 | tape      | 2005-11-08 23:39:05 |
|      46 | mardi-2    | Used      | 25,981,230,472 |       27 |      518,400 
|       1 |    0 |         1 | tape      | 2005-11-09 15:57:55 |
Pool: WednesdayPool
| MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus | VolBytes | VolFiles | VolRetention | 
Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten         |
|      47 | mercredi   | Append    |        1 |        0 |      518,400 |       
1 |    0 |         1 | tape      | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
Pool: ThursdayPool
| MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus | VolBytes       | VolFiles | VolRetention | 
Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten         |
|      34 | jeudi      | Full      | 36,429,520,545 |       37 |      518,400 
|       1 |    0 |         1 | tape      | 2005-10-14 00:10:22 |
|      39 | jeudi-2    | Append    | 27,337,283,667 |       28 |      518,400 
|       1 |    0 |         1 | tape      | 2005-10-14 17:37:58 |
Pool: FridayPool
| MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus | VolBytes       | VolFiles | VolRetention | 
Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten         |
|      43 | vendredi   | Full      | 36,457,695,144 |       36 |      518,400 
|       1 |    0 |         1 | tape      | 2005-11-05 02:43:55 |
|      44 | vendredi-2 | Append    | 12,104,354,249 |       13 |      518,400 
|       1 |    0 |         1 | tape      | 2005-11-07 14:44:01 |
Pool: Default

You could see mercredi-2 missing, as it aws in error i had to delete it but no 
time to recreate it now :)

Thanks again !

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