Hi guys,
I'd love to ask a few questions if I may :-)
I'm quite new to Bacula and tried to set it up on a test server using Debian Sarge (stable). I got some understanding problems though, and I hope you can help me with my "brainfarts".
Okay first of all, let me sum up the facts again.
On the server side
There is a director (may be more then one)            -  Bacula-dir.conf
There is a storage (same here)                             -  Bacula-sd.conf
There is a database                                             -  It's a postgres DB in Debian (AFAIK mentioned/configured in bacula-dir.conf)
On the client side
There is a file deamon                                         -    Bacula-fd.conf
I have setup 2 PCs here im my lab and I'm trying to get it started. What I'd like to do is "just simply" do a complete backup from my host to the server. The server (in this scenario) should be running all server daemons/parts, so to speak director, storage and database (all in one).
The client should be backed up completly and in addition to that I'd like (to try) to be able to install the client from bare metal with the floppy discs (talking about desaster recovery). After I've achieved that, I'd like to use SSL (I found a HowTo that covers that quite okay).
But I already stumble over the main config files. I've read the documentation (apt-get bacula-doc) quite a few times and found out that there need to be crossreferences, which I don't quite get yet. I hope I can get some clarification from you guys (would be awesome).
I'm totally new to this topic and I' having a hard time with the comments, I don't find them very usefull.
1. The easy way. Is there someone out there usinf Debian who'd be willing to share his experience with me in form of a set of working configs with documentations. OR do you know a place where I can find a step by step Howto to get at least the main feature up and running.
The only useful infos I've found where those. http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2004/01/09/bacula.html (unfortunately this ones for BSD, but the command lines in the config file look about the same), I tried it and failed miserably. The director won't even start up. There was nothing written into the syslog file while tailing it :-/ Bad luck.
About the secure connection I found this http://www.bacula.org/rel-manual/Bacula_TLS.html#_ChapterStart61 if someone is interessted in it?
I restored the old files then (in the config files it reads that you only would've to setup a Fileset and it should work on the spot). But, aiks, it won't do either the director deamon won't start up. D*mned!
2. The hard way. If 1. won't work may I post the original config files here with my/more questions? Would that be okay?
3. FQDN - is this really necessary or is it also possible to use the IP address. I tried both :-/
I'm sorry for not being more precise at the moment, hope I don't get flamed for it. I'd be willing to do a HowTo if someone helps me out, so that next time you could direct Debian User to the docu I made. I'll have to do it anyhow for my preoject here :-) so why not translate it into English, no problemo Sir.
Thanks in advance for your response,
Simmel or Jens

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